Meet our amazing settlement paralegal, Michelle. If your case settles, Michelle is the one working hard behind the scenes serving as the liaison between clients and adjusters. She prepares and finalizes closing case documents for our attorneys and insurance companies while keeping everyone updated on the case’s progress.

Michelle is a highly experienced paralegal, having joined the field in 2013.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of South Florida where she started working at a family friend’s law firm as a file clerk. Through hard work and dedication, she eventually became a settlement paralegal. Michelle is passionate about helping clients get the most out of their personal injury cases. She works hard to negotiate reductions on medical bills and collaborate with treating doctors, even in difficult cases. She loves her job because it makes a real difference in people’s lives.

Originally from St. Petersburg, Florida, Michelle now lives and works remotely from North Carolina. She loves the country vibes and rural lifestyle. On her days off, she enjoys hiking and exploring her new area. Recently, she has also started knitting scarves. Her ultimate goal is to knit her own clothes someday.

Michelle also has a love for documentaries, particularly true crime and food documentaries like “Rotten.” Her all-time favorite show is “Meerkat Manor” and recommends it to anyone interested in the dichotomy of these furry creatures. She loves all kinds of music and enjoys eating Pad Thai when dining out.
