Chicago Premises Liability Lawyer

If you have land which you own or are responsible for operating in any capacity, you assume a duty to take certain precautions and reduce the risk that someone else will suffer a preventable injury on your property. When you have recently been hurt on another person’s land, though, you may already be discovering that the process of filing civil suit against a landowner can be extremely challenging.

Injured people deserve compensation from those were negligent in allowing it to happen. Guidance from a qualified Chicago premises liability lawyer can make a world of difference in your odds of achieving a favorable case result. Beyond just helping you build the strongest possible claim under the legal theory of “negligence,” your personal injury attorney could also ensure you file that claim within applicable deadlines.

Holding Landowners Liable for Specific Losses

The exact duty of care which a Chicago property owner owes to someone visiting their property can change somewhat. It will depend on what the owner uses their property for and what purpose the visitor has being on their land in the first place. Broadly speaking, landowners are expected to take reasonable steps to fix or cordon off hazardous property conditions soon after they become aware of them. They are also expected to warn lawful visitors of all known hazards and, in some situations, proactively inspect their property on a regular basis to discover new hazards as soon as possible.

A landowner who knows or should have known about a hazardous condition, and fails to properly address the issue or warn lawful visitors about it, may be legally liable for any losses a visitor suffers directly from that hazard. This typically includes:

  • Short-term and long-term medical bills
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Personal property loss or damage
  • Emotional anguish and psychological trauma
  • Lost working capacity or work income
  • Lost enjoyment of life and other effects of permanent disability/disfigurement

A Chicago attorney can discuss whether a specific scenario might give rise to a premises liability claim and what course of action would be best for pursuing civil recovery.

A plank of wood missing

What Filing Deadlines Apply to Premises Liability Claims?

Even if someone suffers a permanent and debilitating injury due to a property owner’s negligence, that injured person does not have unlimited time with which to build and file a civil claim against that property owner. In fact, under 735 Illinois Compiled Statutes § 5/13-202, most people who get hurt through the negligence of another person have just two years after initially sustaining harm to file a lawsuit. This deadline applies regardless of how long their injury will continue to negatively affect them.

It is worth noting, though, that there are some exceptions to this rule which could allow certain people—particularly those who get hurt prior to turning 18—more time than usual to begin the litigation process. Once again, a defective property lawyer in Chicago could discuss what time limits may apply to a possible claim during a private initial meeting.

Consider Working with a Chicago Premises Liability Attorney

Property liability law can be complex and confusing, even compared to other types of personal injury law. However, you need more than just the evidence that someone was negligent and caused you harm. You need someone who can properly convey this information to the insurance company or to a jury in court. McCready Law is your best choice for making your case.

One of our Chicago premises liability lawyers can be a vital source of support from start to finish of any legal action you need to take. Call today to learn more during a free, private consultation.