

Would you like fries with that? This phrase was made famous by McDonalds. But as...

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How to fire staff


Last month, I discussed how to hire a new employee. To complete the cycle, this month I will discuss how to fire an employee. If you've hired an employee, odds are you will have to fire an employee. As I...

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When to hire staff


Business is booming and you are swamped. You don't have enough time in the day to do everything. "I need help" you tell yourself. Whether you are a solo practitioner or in a large firm, there will come a time...

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How to hire staff


Last month, I discussed when to hire staff. Hopefully, you heeded my advice of keeping overhead low and held off hiring a staff member until as long as possible. So now you are ready to hire someone, how should you...

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Speed kills – Advice from someone who knows

Car Accidents

Everyone knows that speed kills. Let's face it. Many of us experience pleasure from going...

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Your credit card number may have been stolen – data breach


I received a letter that my personal identification or credit card number may have been...

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How Much Homeowner’s Insurance Should I Have?

Premises Liablity

Most people understand the need for having insurance. However, few people understand what limits they...

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Breaking the Law – How We All Do It Every Day

Car Accidents , General , Legal Advice

We all think of ourselves as law abiding citizens. According to a poll by,...

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Insurance Policy Applications


Honesty is the best policy An Application for an Insurance can (and will be) used...

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Review your insurance coverage


News You Can Use Do you know what your insurance limits are for your car?...

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Internet Scams


Even Lawyers Fall For Them!   Internet Scams. If you've gotten this e-mail, undoubtedly you...

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What does the fine print mean?

Personal Injury

As us lawyers say, exculpatory clauses You see fine print everywhere. But what does the...

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Does my insurance company look out for my best interests?

Car Accidents

Most people assume that by making their monthly insurance payment they have in essence hired...

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