Porter County Bicycle Accident Lawyer

With numerous trails and bikeways available for public use, bicycles have become a great way for Porter County citizens to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise while they are at it. An economical mode of transportation, bicycles are vehicles that serve multiple purposes. Because the cyclist is relatively unprotected, aside from a helmet, a collision with an automobile can result in debilitating injuries or death.

Unlike vehicles, bicycles lack the protection of seat belts, air bags, and a steel shell around them. Therefore, cyclists are encouraged to practice safe riding skills and maintain a heightened awareness every time they take to the road.

If you or a loved one was involved in a collision with a vehicle, it may prove beneficial to contact a Porter County bicycle accident lawyer who could help establish a case and fight for accountability and compensation. Call today and let a skilled personal injury attorney help you focus on your recovery.

Common Injuries Sustained from a Bicycle Accident

The injuries sustained from a bicycle accident are often serious and may include broken bones, head trauma, or worse. Numerous factors contribute to the severity of collisions, yet negligence remains near the top.

Even at low speeds, vehicles are capable of wreaking havoc. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were over 1,000 bicycle fatalities and nearly 467,00 bicycle-related injuries. With such staggering numbers, it has become quite apparent that crashes and collisions have become a dire problem for the country.

There is a misconception that cyclists (or even motorcyclists) are at fault for any collision that involves them and the driver of a vehicle. However, there are numerous circumstances where the driver becomes liable. Some of the ways these drivers can cause bicycle accidents include:

  • Failing to give the proper right-of-way
  • Opening a vehicle door while a cyclist is riding
  • Making a sudden lane change without paying attention
  • Rear-ending a cyclist
  • Driving under the influence

In some bicycle accident cases, the driver simply does not see the cyclist. In others, however, the driver may wrongly think that a cyclist does not share the same rights on the road that they have, thus leading them to act recklessly. It is essential for someone who has suffered an injury in a biking accident to seek medical attention and contact an experienced lawyer.

Determining Liability in Porter County Cases

Launching an investigation as soon as an accident occurs may benefit an impending lawsuit against the driver. Establishing the cause of the crash may further determine who can be held liable for the victim’s losses.

To establish negligence, the injured bicyclist must show that the driver breached their duty of care. To do this, they must be able to show that the driver had a responsibility to protect them, a duty they have to everyone on the road, and that they failed in their responsibility. If they can prove this, they may be able to recover compensation for their injuries. A seasoned Porter County bicycle accident lawyer could help an injured victim establish liability.

Let a Porter County Bicycle Accident Attorney Help

No bicycle accident victim should have to worry about lofty medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma. However, when an accident does occur, it creates a difficult situation that the victim must overcome to seek the recovery of lost wages and financial woes.

Legal counsel may provide a way to fight for the compensation one rightfully deserves. For more information, call today to set up a free consultation with a knowledgeable Porter County bicycle accident lawyer.