Indianapolis Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

As pedestrians, people must share the road with cars and other vehicles. But when a motorist acts negligently, a pedestrian could be hit by a vehicle, which opens up the potential for a civil claim by the victims of the accident. When negligent accidents like these occur, a seasoned personal injury attorney is a useful ally to have.

If you or a loved have been harmed while walking or jogging, we have an Indianapolis pedestrian accident lawyer available to advise you on your best course of action. A lawyer who practices in this area has the resources and skills necessary to ensure that you get the proper amount of compensation for your injuries.

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents may occur due to a variety of reasons. Driver distraction, speeding, reckless driving, running a red light, or breaking traffic laws are often reasons behind these accidents. People walking on foot have to use a crosswalk in order to cross the street and motorists must pay attention to anyone in the crosswalk or about to enter it. Furthermore, they must be on the lookout for people as they pull out of driveways or parking lots. If the crash occurred near a commercial area, an Indianapolis pedestrian accident lawyer could search around for any security cameras that may have caught the incident.

Recovery Options for People Involved in a Pedestrian Collision

Pedestrian accidents have the potential to cause serious injuries, including broken bones, head trauma, bruises and lacerations, and spinal cord injuries. This can be expensive and might even last for years.

Pedestrians involved in accidents most often recover through insurance companies. The claim may be brought through the at-fault driver’s insurance, or by way of the pedestrian’s coverage company. Damages often include reimbursement for medical expenses, rehabilitation, loss of wages, loss of future earning capacity, pain and suffering, or emotional trauma. Every case is different and a close examination of the particular facts are necessary to obtain the proper damages. The injured party must also be less than 51 percent at fault to recover under Indiana’s comparative fault statute. Insurance companies will often try to pin more blame on them than is fair.

Statute of Limitations in a Pedestrian Accident Case

Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4, describes the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in the state. An injured party has two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. If a party does not file a claim within these time requirements, any future claim may be dismissed as untimely. To preserve the right to compensation it may be beneficial to hire an Indianapolis pedestrian accident attorney who is well-versed in the civil procedure requirements of this type of case. There may be exceptions that could extend the statute, so it is important to get help as soon as possible.

Call an Indianapolis Pedestrian Accident Attorney for Advice

A legal professional from McCready Law may be able to help you obtain compensation for the injuries you sustained as a result of a pedestrian accident. An Indianapolis pedestrian accident lawyer who regularly handles these types of cases would know what evidence to track down, determine which parties are important to interview, and file the necessary documents with the court.  Let us help you focus on your recovery – call now.