Evidence for Car Accident Claims in Indianapolis

Investigating the circumstances of a car accident is an important step in assigning responsibility for the crash. When you are involved in a car accident, you may have other concerns besides collecting evidence, such as getting medical attention. Things that you may not feel are important or relevant could be something that an experienced car accident attorney knows to acquire due to their years of legal experience.

Because evidence can be lost and destroyed over time, it is advisable to retain a lawyer to gather evidence as early as possible. An attorney from McCready Law is in the best position to investigate and gather relevant evidence.

Collecting and Presenting Evidence

The gathering of evidence is an ongoing procedure. While most evidence is secured within the first 30 days after an accident, other pieces of evidence may become important over the lifetime of the case. The presentation of evidence in court is a long and complicated legal process. A lawyer is in the best position to investigate and collect evidence to present in court.

Obtaining possible evidence is the first step in the process. Courts are concerned about evidence being genuine and authentic, and when a lawyer must lay a foundation for the admissibility of an exhibit, it is to address this concern of the court. Depending on the type of evidence, courts will require a certain foundation before the evidence is admissible. While general investigative procedures accompany most car wreck cases, it is common to follow any lead which may result in additional evidence. Working with an attorney is crucial to ensuring all evidence for car accident claims in Indianapolis is presented to the court correctly.

Car with broken windshield

Types of Evidence

Countless pieces of evidence can be used in court to help demonstrate the effects the car accident has had on the plaintiff. First, there may be photographic evidence of the vehicles, the accident scene, or debris left afterward. A lawyer could obtain the police report and follow any leads that may be revealed in the police report.

If there are witnesses, it is common for a lawyer to obtain witness statements so their testimony is preserved at an early date. Other types of evidence which an attorney could collect include medical records and medical bills.

A type of evidence that exists in one case could be completely absent from the next case. An attorney in Indianapolis has the knowledge to advise the client about relevant evidence for their specific car accident claim.

Hire an Indianapolis Attorney to Help With Evidence Claims After a Car Accident

The evidence-gathering process should begin as soon as possible following an accident. Evidence may be lost or memories may fade, so it is important to document as much as possible, as quickly as possible. For this reason, it is useful to contact a lawyer immediately after the crash so they can help you gather evidence for your car accident claim in Indianapolis. Personal injury lawyers do not charge money upfront for representation and only get paid when the case is over. Call our firm to schedule your consultation.