Indianapolis Failure to Yield Accident Lawyer

When drivers fail to yield to other vehicles, they can cause serious accidents and injuries. When you are involved in a collision due to another driver’s failure to yield, you have options, and it is crucial to know your rights and seek help from an experienced car accident attorney.

When you are injured in an accident due to a driver’s failure to stop or slow down, consider pursuing compensation. Not only could the driver face a moving violation charge and fine for their dangerous driving, but they are also responsible for any injuries another driver, passenger, pedestrian, or cyclist might sustain. Speak to an Indianapolis failure to yield accident lawyer when you are considering filing a claim.

Common Causes of Failure to Yield Accidents

When a driver does not properly slow down or allow vehicles to pass when they have the right of way, they can cause crashes. A failure to yield crash could occur when a driver does not yield at a yellow light, turns into oncoming traffic, or while merging. Pedestrians and cyclists are also at risk if a driver does not give the right of way. The most common instances of failure to yield accidents in Indiana include:

  • Not following traffic signals
  • Failing to yield to merging vehicles
  • Not stopping or yielding at four-way intersections
  • Failing to give right of way to emergency vehicles
  • Failing to yield to pedestrians or cyclists at crosswalks

Those involved in a car crash when the other driver was not following the rules of the road in Indianapolis should discuss recoverable damages with a failure to yield lawyer.

Time-lapse of a highway at dusk

Liability for Failure to Yield

Usually, the driver who fails to yield is negligent because they violated a traffic law, but sometimes liability is in dispute. The person injured in the car accident bears the burden of proving fault for their injuries, and the court will also look at their conduct. This means if the person seeking compensation contributed to their injury, their financial recovery may be limited. The at-fault driver or their insurance may attempt to circumvent their liability by claiming contributory negligence.

These types of accidents are different than many other types of crashes because the injured driver often hits the vehicle that did not yield. It can be difficult to determine liability if there is no evidence to prove the other driver had a duty to stop or slow down. Eyewitness statements and accident reports are important in supporting a claim for damages in an accident like this. When you retain a failure to yield attorney in Indianapolis to represent you, they could gather evidence to build a solid claim against the at-fault driver.

Speak to an Indianapolis Failure to Yield Accident Attorney

When you are injured in a collision because another driver did not give right of way, an Indianapolis failure to yield accident lawyer could help. As drivers, we are obligated to follow the rules of the road. When someone fails to do this and causes an accident, there can be catastrophic injuries and financial losses.

To determine what your rights are after a failure to yield accident, contact our office. We could help you recover damages for your medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other harm you experienced. We could advocate on your behalf by negotiating a settlement or taking your case to trial if necessary. Contact our office to set up a consultation at no cost to you.