Eric Perez

Optimism – this is Eric’s superpower, except he isn’t pretending or just saying it to get through difficult times. He embodies this term on a supernatural level and uses it to shape the world around him – and our firm’s office culture. Needless, to say, it is wonderful to have someone aboard to escort us from the mundane to the mystical in five seconds or less. This expressive individual is sharp, witty, and an expert at tossing out puns to keep you on your game. He also supports public transportation and is one of the reasons he loves Chicago.

Emerging from a tightly woven family structure, Eric is deeply in tune with his oneness. You might not ever guess he is the youngest of four and has a twin brother. He loves spending time alone journaling his thoughts and even sometimes using art to solidify them. Many don’t know he dabbles in creating beautiful illustrations and even has ties to a coveted underground art community. (We think this might involve a superhero card of some sort, but we don’t ask questions.)

Conversations with Eric may include highlights from his 3 week family road trip that spanned the U.S., and it may also require you to don some fancy thermal gear. Eric states he feels most alive in cold weather, but take note that this young man is one of the most warm-hearted individuals you may encounter in your lifetime. He said something that really grabbed our attention, “I most aspire to be the friend that your friend deserves. That will be a life well-lived for me.” Our firm is genuinely lucky to have this young man aboard our team and our clients will love being on the recipient end of his authentic nature.