Indianapolis Paraplegia Injury Lawyer

Paraplegia is the name for the loss of function of the lower body and usually happens after a spinal cord injury. Paraplegia can happen to anyone during any type of accident but occurs more commonly in motor vehicle crashes. Severe injuries like this can take a physical, psychological, and financial toll.

If a person’s thoughtless actions caused an avoidable accident and you suffered a severe injury, you have the right to work with a paralysis injury attorney to get the at-fault party to pay for the damages. Learn how an Indianapolis paraplegia injury lawyer could review your case and offer legal advice.

Complete Versus Partial Paraplegia

Complete paraplegia occurs when the spinal cord sustains severe trauma, completely cutting off neural messages coming from the brain to other body parts. The damage is usually permanent. Partial paraplegia occurs when the spinal cord sustains trauma, causing partial loss of messaging from the brain to parts of the body, and could be either temporary or permanent. Both situations could make someone eligible for a civil lawsuit.

Common Paraplegia Injury Causes

Some of the most common accidents leading to spinal cord injuries and paraplegia include:

Any accident that causes penetration, compression, or blunt force trauma to the spinal cord could cause the individual to suffer a paraplegia injury.

Possible Symptoms

Symptoms of paraplegia may begin immediately or within the following weeks, and some of the possible signs include:

  • Loss of ability to control movement
  • Chronic pain, including dull aches and intense pain or tingling
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of feeling in the lower half of the body
  • Impaired balance or coordination
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Pain when twisting or a loss of range of motion
  • Sexual dysfunction

An Indianapolis attorney could review legal options and help strategize for the best outcome of a paraplegia injury case.

Statutory Deadline for Filing Lawsuits

The personal injury statute of limitations limits the length of time people have to file a lawsuit after a negligence-based accident. According to the Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4, the injured party or their attorney must file a claim within two years of the accident.

The civil court will almost always dismiss cases with prejudice when the petitioner misses the statutory deadline. When a judge dismisses a lawsuit with prejudice, that means there are no other options for recovering damages from the defendant. There are specific circumstances that could shorten or extend the time.

Exceptions to the Statute

There may be a few exceptions to the expiration date, including the defendant living outside the state and not having the ability to serve them with a copy of the court filing and age. If the plaintiff is a child when the cause of action occurs, the time limit will begin running when they turn 18.

Similarly, if the plaintiff sustains injuries in the accident that causes mental impairment, the clock starts running on the day the disability ends. A paraplegia injury lawyer in Indianapolis could answer questions about the statutes during the consultation.

Meet with a Paraplegia Injury Attorney in Indianapolis for Guidance

If you are diagnosed with paraplegia, it will likely have a significant effect on all aspects of your life. Therefore, you must take action if the accident occurred because of someone else’s carelessness and you wish to hold them responsible for their actions.

An Indianapolis paraplegia injury lawyer could help you build a solid case and recover the maximum potential award amount. Call today to have McCready Law review your case and determine what damages you might be able to recover. We know this is a difficult time for you and want to help ease your financial concerns.