Orland Park Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Spinal cord injuries could result in partial or complete paralysis, either of which may become a permanent impairment. Simply recovering from this injury may feel like a life-long battle. If you were injured due to another’s negligence, there may be legal options for potential financial recovery that you could take advantage of.

An Orland Park paralysis injury lawyer may be able to provide insight into how someone else’s negligence may have impacted a situation. If you have suffered a paralysis injury, contact a knowledgeable catastrophic injury attorney to begin exploring whether you have grounds to file a claim.

Types of Paralysis Injuries

Paralysis may result from complete or incomplete spinal cord injuries. An incomplete spinal cord injury is defined by a loss of sensation and movement in part of the body, while a complete spinal cord injury could cause a total loss of function below the injury site. All spinal injuries could lead to a loss of sensation or long-term pain regardless of classification.

While there are many different types of spinal injuries that may occur, injuries higher in the spine tend to be the most dangerous. Injuries at the top of the spine are referred to as cervical vertebrae injuries and could lead to the most severe paralysis, including to involuntary functions like breathing.

Spinal injuries below the cervical vertebrae may still lead to loss of movement. Individuals who experience thoracic vertebrae damage may experience temporary or permanent paraplegia or quadriplegia—terms which respectively refer to the loss of lower body movement and loss of movement in all limbs—as a result of their injury.

How Comparative Negligence Could Affect a Case

An incident that leads to injury may be the fault of multiple parties. In such a scenario, a plaintiff could consult with an attorney to determine if they might be one of those fault-bearing parties.

If an injured person does bear some fault, they may not be barred from recovery entirely. Illinois uses a system of modified comparative negligence to determine eligibility for recovery. If plaintiffs are no more than 50 percent liable for the accident that caused their injuries, 735 Illinois Compiled Statutes §5/2-1116 grants them the right to still seek damages, but their percentage of responsibility may reduce any damages awarded. Comparative negligence may play a part in various personal injury cases such as a car accident.

A plaintiff who is found by a jury to share ten percent of the fault in a car accident that led to paralysis would have their award reduced by ten percent. If the injuries are 51 percent or more at fault for the accident, they may be found ineligible to recover for damages entirely.

Any person who is unsure of how their actions may impact a paralysis injury claim of comparative fault could speak with an Orland Park paralysis injury attorney. They may be able to help protect individuals against unwarranted comparative negligence claims.

Statute of Limitations for Filing an Injury Claim

There are certain time limits on the ability of plaintiffs to recover in Orland Park. The applicable deadlines, or statute of limitations, for a paralysis injury case may designate that injured persons must file a claim within two years from the date of injury.

It could be beneficial to connect with a paralysis injury lawyer in Orland Park soon after an initial injury. Paralysis injury plaintiffs may lose their ability to file if they do not adhere to this deadline, no matter how debilitating their damages may be.

Talk to an Orland Park Paralysis Injury Attorney

If you experienced paralysis due to an accident caused by another person’s reckless or careless behavior, it may be possible for you to recover damages through a settlement or in civil court. While no amount of money could return a permanently paralyzed person to their former state, you might still be able to work towards holding the responsible parties accountable for the damage you sustained.

An Orland Park paralysis injury lawyer could explain any available legal options to you. Call today to schedule an initial consultation.