Injured as a Maritime Worker or Seaman? Get to Know Your Rights and Compensation Options

Unbeknownst to the rest of the population, seamen or maritime workers get injured all the time, and this is something that can impact their ability to earn a living or even continue on with their career as a seaman. Maritime injuries are fortunately covered by the Jones Act which makes it possible for these individuals to seek compensation for their injuries as long as said injuries occurred during the performing of work duties.
In addition, the concept of maintenance and cure sets in for these individuals which provides them with financial reprieve as they take a break from working on account of the injuries they sustained. The payments provided under maintenance and cure include things like housing, food and any other essential living expenses as well as the medical care they require to fast-forward their recovery.
Maintenance and cure are something not only for maritime workers, but also for the companies that hire them, letting them know who is eligible, the terms and the typical amounts one can qualify for. Inasmuch as the process sounds straightforward, it is vital that injured maritime workers consult an attorney in order to ensure that their rights are protected, they are not being cheated out of fair compensation, and that the forms that need filling are completed within a certain timeframe, all of which we’d be honored to assist you with, among other procedural aspects of the compensation process.
Are you looking for a best lawyer for maritime workers? If you suffered an injury while working on a seafaring vessel, please reach out to us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation.
For close to three decades, the committed maritime worker injury lawyers at McCready Law have successfully represented tens of thousands of Americans from all over the country and across all walks of life, helping them recover compensation after getting injured on the job due to negligence perpetrated by other individuals or the companies they work for.
To date, we’ve successfully recovered over $260 million in compensation for our clients, and our commitment to success lies in the fact that we are not afraid to litigate claims that call for the same, as this is often the only way to receive maximum compensation for client.
By contrast, the vast majority of law firms simply engage the insurance company in half-hearted settlement negotiations which often leave the client with a paltry and insufficient payout. Our attorneys are responsive and always available to talk about the progress of your case, we offer personalized attention, and ensure that you are kept abreast of any developments as regards your claim.
In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of countrywide attorneys and trusted law firms, we run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español), and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.
If you were injured on the job as a maritime worker, please get in touch with us NOW at (314) 481-63338 for your 100% FREE consultation – our intake team is standing by.
Maintenance and Cure Payments for Injured Maritime Workers
Maintenance in maritime law and employment refers to a payment provided to maritime workers who are unable to work due to injuries sustained on the job. This amount is meant to take care of day-to-day living expenses which eases the mental burden often made worse by financial difficulties. Maintenance may cover expenses such as food, housing, utilities such as water and electricity, transportation and any other necessities such as personal hygiene products and clothing.
Determining how much one may get as maintenance as an injured maritime worker depends on factors such as your daily wage, the cost of living as well as your overall living conditions. In some instances, this stipend may be open to negotiations between you and the employer or the insurance provider.
Cure on the other hand refers to the medical care and treatment you receive after your injuries as a maritime employee. This can include emergency care all the way to long-term rehabilitation. The expenses that are taken care of with regard to cure include things like surgical procedures, the cost of hospitalization, medications, physical therapy and any follow-up care workers may require.
Employer Responsibilities Towards Injured Maritime Workers
According to the law, your employers have a duty to provide these two aspects to you upon your injury. they may be instrumental in selecting medical providers to offer treatment as well as make sure that all your expenses are paid for in a timely manner. In order to qualify for maintenance and cure, you must have been injured while performing work duties on navigable waters, and you must be a Bonafide seaman employed on a vessel that engages in maritime commerce. Lastly, you must have sustained injuries which require medical treatment.
Best Injured Maritime Worker Lawyers – Call Us Today!
While the process may seem straightforward, the reality is that it is anything but. To this end, legal representation is key if you want to seek maintenance and cure benefits as an injured maritime worker.
A maritime worker injury attorney understands maritime law intimately and can expound on the different legal definitions of concepts found therein, they can determine if you are indeed eligible for said benefits, and if there are any ambiguities, can argue your case in your favor citing different legal precedents which justify your request for compensation.
In addition, a maritime law attorney will help prepare all your documents so that they are filed in a timely manner, including things like claim forms and medical records as well as help compile evidence alluding to your living expenses which will be taken care of by the maintenance aspect of the compensation plan.
Lastly, an experience injured seaman lawyer will help navigate claims on your behalf against insurance companies by countering any low offers, assessing the true value of your claim, as well as communicate with the insurance company on your behalf so you come out a winner.
Need more clarity? If you were injured as a maritime worker and are worried about your financial future, please give us a call TODAY at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.