Tennis Elbow Injuries for Factory Workers – Get Legal Help Here

If you’re a factory worker, chances are that you’ll be performing the same movements ad infinitum, day after day. After some time, the joints in your shoulders and elbows will start to experience some form of wear and tear which can then show up as pain that stops you from working. This is usually known as tennis elbow injury, and it must be treated before you resume working because pushing through may mean that the injury may become permanent. The medical term for this kind of injury is lateral epicondilytis, and it is considered an occupational injury. For this reason, one may qualify for workers’ compensation, but chances are that you won’t receive the amount you deserve if you choose to go the union route or try to negotiate with your bosses. These cases need the expertise of an experienced work injury attorney as more often than not, and in line with OSHA government regulations, the injuries suffered by factory workers tend to involve some form of negligence. By filing a claim under a law firm as an injured factory worker, you may be able to recover for a number of damages to help you become whole again, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best factory worker elbow injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 322-1673 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced factory worker injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience that we’d love to put to work on your legal claim as an injured factory worker. What makes us unique is the fact that we have litigated over 70 CASES, something that’s unheard of when it comes to the majority of workers’ compensation law firms. Litigating cases in front of a Judge or jury usually nets the plaintiff a much larger compensation award given the time and financial resources as well as higher burden of proof one must meet compared to insurance company negotiations. In addition, we have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), and all cases are personally handled by experienced attorneys, and not paralegals. Lastly, we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during any point in the processing of your claim. Wherever you are in the country, we can help you with your claim: simply call us NOW at (773) 322-1673 to receive your 100% FREE legal consultation!
How Does Tennis Elbow Injury Occur?
Tennis elbow is typically seen in workers that perform the same movements day in and out, and this is why it is very common in factory workers whose routines do not change for the duration of their employment, and involves a lot of repetitive tasks. Tennis elbow requires rest and treatment: should you decide not to seek medical help, you run the risk of re-injuring and tearing the same tendons, forming scar tissue over the first injury, making it a permanent injury.
How is Tennis Elbow Injury Treated?
Tennis elbow for factory workers is typically treated by the administration of corticosteroid shots into the elbow in order to damp down the inflammation of the injury and give the body a chance to heal the tendons. In addition, the doctor will order you to stay off work for some time as you recover, and keep your elbow joint as stationary as possible.
Experienced Workers for Injured Factory Workers – Call Us NOW!
Factory workers are required to take breaks as indicated by OSHA. In addition, should they suffer an injury, they must receive prompt medical care. Lastly, they must be appropriately trained and provided with protection gear in order to prevent these injuries in the first place. If you suffered a tennis elbow injury, you may be eligible for money damages via the filing of a work factory negligence claim. Please call us NOW at (773) 322-1673 for more information. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.