The Neurological Impact of Child Brain Injury and How to Seek Legal Help

A child’s brain is still developing and as such, must be treated with care, at all times. Children roughhousing is a normal thing, but taking falls from heights or having a blunt object hit them in the head is not normal. In addition, children who spend time at a daycare and cannot advocate for themselves must be protected from falls as well as abuse as any type of injury to their head can lead to a cascade of chemical and mechanical reactions which may be subtle and not show up until much later.
Brain injuries in children is a complex yet sensitive topic on account of the delicate state of the still developing child’s brain, and injuries, if not treated comprehensively or in a timely manner may lead to cognitive disability as well as a lifetime of seizures, severe headaches, and even paralysis or cerebral palsy in some cases.
Injuries do not happen organically; many times, it is the negligence of other parties that is the proximate cause of the same and as such, legal remedies may be available with regard to seeking justice and compensation for your loved one, as they will need an advocate that can articulate the lasting impact of their brain injury as well as prove why they must be compensated for the various damages they are seeking, something we would love to help you with.
Are you looking for a best child brain injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced child brain injury attorneys at McCready Law have for over 25 years helped tens of thousands of individuals seek compensation after getting injured due to the negligent actions of other individuals or financial entities. over the years, we have recovered over $260 million in settlements for our clients, and our success lies in our expertise at litigation where we aim to get the client the maximum compensation allowed by the law.
By contrast, most law firms simply engage the insurance company in settlement negotiations which often end in the client getting shortchanged as well as receiving a paltry payout that doesn’t reflect the extent of their injuries. In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of attorneys and law firms, we run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español), and also take on all viable cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of the claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.
If your child suffered a brain injury due to the negligent actions of someone else, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – the call is 100% FREE, and our intake team is standing by.
The Different Types of Pediatric Brain Injuries and Their Effects
Pediatric brain injuries can be divided into several types depending on the causes as well as effects:
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
These can either be closed or open head injuries, with the first one due to blunt force impact which doesn’t pierce the skull, and is most common in sports and falls. Open head injuries, on the other hand, occurs when an object penetrates the skull leading to severe damage.
Acquired Brain Injuries
These injuries often occur after birth and are typically caused by factors such as stroke, lack of oxygen or hypoxia and infections
These injuries occur due to either violent shaking or a blow to the head such as in the case of child abuse at a daycare center, leading to temporary brain function disruption.
Brain injuries in children can have far-reaching consequences:
- The child may have their cognitive development disrupted, leading to impaired memory, attention as well as learning difficulties, manifesting as academic issues
- The child may also show signs of depression and anxiety, leading to mood swings and issues with social interactions
- The child may also demonstrate behavioral changes and exhibit aggression, impulsivity, as well as withdrawal, making it difficult for them to form friendships and relationships, thereby impacting their quality of life.
What Do You Need to Prove to File a Child Brain Injury Claim?
In order to bring forth a viable pediatric child injury claim, certain factors must be present. First, you must prove that the responsible party had a duty of care in ensuring that the child was kept free from harm.
Then, you must prove that they breached this duty via a negligent act, and that their actions or inaction were the direct cause of your child’s brain injury. lastly, you must be able to quantify the impact of the injury by listing the damages you are seeking on their behalf.
The Role of Expert Testimony in Pediatric Brain Injury Claims
Expert testimony plays a huge role in establishing the viability of these claims and as such, neurological experts may have to be called to provide unique insights into the nature of the injury and its long-term effects of the child’s behavioral and cognitive development.
In addition, their teachers or other educational experts can help the judge and jury how the injury has impacted their ability to receive education as well as the projected long-term effects of the injury.
Best Child Injury Claim Lawyers – Call Us Today!
Due to the complex nature of this case and the fact that you may have to reach out to various experts, collect evidence and attend depositions and other stressful meetings, the best strategy for you and your loved one is to reach out to our law firms so we can handle the administrative and oftentimes stressful steps of filing a claim on your behalf so you can focus on being there for your child emotionally.
Please give us a call TODAY at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation when it comes to pediatric child injury lawsuits. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.