Seeking Medical Treatment After a Truck Accident in Oak Lawn

Immediately following a truck accident, individuals should call 911 and seek medical care. Often, injuries may not be apparent and may require a medical professional to take a deeper look. It is important because following an accident, their body is pumping adrenaline, and they may not realize the extent of their injuries until later. Additionally, a detailed record of an individual’s damages and injuries could be used as evidence in a personal injury claim.

Seeking medical treatment after a truck accident in Oak Lawn could make the difference in an individuals claim for compensation. Speak to a knowledgeable truck accident attorney to learn about your legal options and how a medical record could be used to recover compensation.

Consequences of Refusing Treatment

Seeking medical treatment after a truck accident in Oak Lawn is important, and refusing medical care could hurt an individual’s case. When an individual is involved in an accident, it is important to seek medical attention. If an individual fails to seek medical attention in a prompt manner following an accident, an insurance company may decline to compensate them for the medical treatment they have at a later date.

There are many reasons why people make the mistake of refusing treatment following an accident. It may be at an inconvenient time for them to seek medical care. Someone in an accident may also refuse medical treatment because they do not have health insurance or lack the ability to pay for treatment.

Finally, people may refuse medical treatment after an accident because they do not realize that they are injured. Even though they may feel that they are not hurt, it is always wise to be checked out. Some people refuse medical attention only to experience pain later. Oftentimes, it takes several days for the pain to appear following an accident.

Follow-Up Treatment Mistakes

Regarding an Oak Lawn truck accident case, it is a mistake not to follow doctor’s orders or follow up with medical treatment. When an individual is in a truck accident and is injured, their skilled attorney must prove that their injuries were due to the accident. The best proof of injuries following a truck accident is demonstrated in medical records.

Without medical treatment, it is very difficult to prove to an insurance company the extent of a person’s injuries. An insurance company does not know the extent of the person’s injuries except through reading medical records. If injured claimants fail to follow up with a doctor or seek medical attention at all, the insurance company would assume that the person was not injured. Even though the truck may be at fault in an accident, an insurance company would evaluate the claim based on the injuries. If there are no injuries, there is no settlement. Failure to follow the doctor’s orders or to consult with a medical professional following an accident could limit a person’s chances of a full recovery.

Treatment Gap

A treatment gap could also hurt an injured claimant’s case. Medical treatment documents the extent of the injuries sustained in the accident. It is important to continue to follow up with the doctor until the individual has made a full recovery. If they stop going to the doctor because they are feeling better, and then time passes, and the pain returns, it could be difficult to include those conditions in a truck accident claim.

An insurance adjuster would claim that there is a gap in medical treatment, which is a period of time in which a person does not see a doctor. If the gap is long enough, it could break the relationship between the person’s current medical condition and that condition that was caused by the truck accident.

How A Truck Accident Attorney Could Help

It is always advisable to seek medical attention following an accident. While an individual is at the scene, they may not feel pain, but it is important to seek medical attention to be checked out following an accident. Failure to seek medical treatment and follow the doctor’s recommendations could have a negative impact on the recovery in a person’s case.

It is best to seek legal help from a truck accident attorney. They could advise you of your legal options after seeking medical treatment after a truck accident in Oak Lawn. You may be eligible to recover compensation for your damages and injuries. Schedule a consultation today.