
Does OWCP Accept Back Injury and Pain Claims?

It is estimated that over 80 percent of the population will experience some form of back pain in one way or another over the course of their lives. This means over 264 million hours of lost work on a yearly basis, and the inability to perform one’s work duties as well as the injury spilling into people’s personal lives. Back pain can be debilitating, and it is a common concern for injured letter carriers who spend days bent over getting packages out of their vehicles, or placing them on stoops, porches or pavements. Back pain can signal torn ligaments, slipped discs, pinched nerves, degenerative disc conditions and so much more. As an injured federal worker with back pain, you are eligible for compensation as long as you file within the statute of limitations and hire an attorney to show a causal link between your injuries and a work-related activity.

Are you looking for injured postal worker attorneys? Contact us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 for more information on your legal options for compensation. For more than 20 years, we’ve helped injured USPS workers and other injured federal workers seek compensation as well as have their benefits reinstated. We have the manpower, resources and vast experience that you need as an injured postal worker to have your case handled professionally and promptly from beginning to end in a fast and efficient manner. Call 1-855-233-3002 NOW to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable best federal workers’ compensation attorney to learn more about your legal options for compensation.

OWCP and Injured Federal Workers – Evidence Is Key

OWCP has stringent rules which lay out what’s compensable and what isn’t. The federal agency requires that you furnish sufficient burden of proof to show that your back pain was unequiovically caused by a work-related activity. This is where we come in: we will help you get access to an OWCP-conversant physician so that they can clearly show, in an objective medical report, that work factors were the primary cause of your back injury and subsequent back pain.

Medical Report for Injured Federal Workers

When it comes to an objective medical report, your claims examiner will look for things like clear, logical sentences that use medical lingo to extensively describe the injury and the exact work activity that caused it. They will also need to see lab tests, MRI’s or X-rays that clearly show the injury. The physician will also need to have the needed medical credentials as well as expertise (which in this case would be a neurologist, chiropractor or an orthopedist). Even when you are seen by a nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant, we always advise that the report be co-signed by a head physician in order for the report to be accepted by OWCP and claims examiners.

Need To Talk? Call Us Today!

There are a couple of issues we’ve left out in this post, such as the value of a back injury with regard to federal workers’ compensation and how to get started with a claim: this is because of the fact that there are no two claims that are alike. Need to find out more about your particular claim and why hiring a federal workers’ compensation attorney is the way to go? Contact us NOW at 1-855-233-3002 for friendly and timely legal help, with your first telephone consultation on us. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.