Legal Help for Scalding Injury Lawsuits

Water injuries in the form of scalding happen to over 100,000 Americans each year, and out of these, 40,000 require hospitalization. When people think of burns, they think fire or an explosion. However, the burns arising out of hot water can be severe, intense, and can cause deep tissue burns which may take time to heal. Hot water releases steam, and this steam is often hotter than the boiling water. Scalding burns are common in homes where faucets were defectively installed, or offices where little to no maintenance takes place. It is important to understand that scalding injuries from hot water don’t just happen on their own; more often than not, a responsible party didn’t do what they were supposed to do to keep residents safe, and because of this, you have every right to file a hot water scald injury lawsuit to recover justice and compensation, something we’d be very honored to help you with.
Are you looking for a best scalding injury attorney? The Law Offices of McCready, Garcia & Leet have for over a combined period of 90 YEARS helped people just like you get the justice and compensation they deserve after being hurt by the negligent actions of others. Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-8649 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. What’s unique about us is that we work on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that we don’t charge you a CENT as we work on your case, and only do so once we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. For more information on the different types of compensation you can recover for scalding injuries, give us a call NOW at (773) 825-8649. Serving all scald injury victims and survivors in all 50 states.
Scalding is a type of burn caused by very hot liquids. Even though scaldings can happen to almost anyone, children under 5 and the elderly over 65 are the most affected due to diminished or underdeveloped cognitive function. Scalding can be so severe that it is not uncommon for a victim to enter shock and even lose consciousness.
Here are the different types of scalding burns:
- Superficial epidermal burn, which usually affects only the outer skin layer, causing pain, redness and swelling
- Superficial dermal burn, which tend to reach the skin’s second layer, causing significant pain, and moderate blistering
- Full-thickness burn, which affects all the layers of the skin and may need urgent medical care due to the risk of infection and sepsis, as well as the need for surgery to graft skin in order to help the burned areas heal.
Legal Help for Scalding Injury Lawsuits – Call Us Today!
Scalding injuries can lead to tissue and nerve damage, and in some cases, disfigurement and permanent scarring. This means that you may need ongoing medical care for the foreseeable future, as well as specialized home-based assistance and care if you suffered full-thickness burns. Individuals that may be held liable when it comes to scalding injuries include the landlord, plumbing contractor, manufacturer in the case of a defective faucet, as well as tank and pipe maintenance companies. Need to know what your scalding injury lawsuit is worth? Please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-8649 to learn more. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.