
Lawyers for Playground Injuries

Lots of kids at the many Illinois elementary schools around the state look forward to recess as it’s a fun-filled time where they can not only play with other kids and have fun, but socialize and learn valuable life skills. While playgrounds make it possible for kids to exercise their freedom and creativity in a controlled space, they can also be unsafe and harbingers of danger and severe injuries.

Are you looking for a playground injury lawyer? Contact our child injuries attorney NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on your loved one’s legal rights for compensation. Our attorneys bring to the table a wealth of litigation and insurance negotiation experience spanning more than 70 years. If your child was injured at a playground at any elementary school, and you have reason to believe that the school didn’t do its job to foster a safe environment precipitating their injuries, simply call 1 (773) 825-3547 and speak with a child injury lawyer to learn more about how we can help.

Filing a Claim for an Injured Child in Illinois

According to Illinois injury law, you can recover compensation if the school created any type of risk. Risk here is anything that could be construed to be outside the realms of what is reasonably understood to be an environment full of hazards that a child might reasonably be unable to avoid.

Here are some of the hazards that may promote child injuries:

  • Deteriorating wood structures
  • Rust on swings on seesaws that cause these equipment to give way
  • Non-existent or poorly maintained safety rails on places that should have them
  • Having hard surfaces such as concrete under slides, swings and monkey bars
  • Wet or slippery areas surrounding the play area
  • Inadequate staff-child ratios
  • Uneven sidewalks around the playground

Why a Child Injury Lawsuit is Vital

A lot of times, some parents may feel guilty about pursuing a claim when their child suffers an injury at an Illinois elementary school. Please remember that you are not suing the school per se, but you are filing a claim against the insurance provider that has provided the school with coverage. This is a legal right available to you, and ensures that other kids stay safe because taking such action will lead to changes in playground and overall school safety.

Here’s Why You Need to Act Fast

With these kinds of cases, it is important to file a claim FAST. This is because you want to preserve evidence by having our attorneys order our investigative team survey the area, take the needed photos, carry out interviews, subpoena the school if it comes to that to provide CCTV camera footage of the playground and so on to make sure you have a solid case should it ever go to trial. A lot of child injury lawsuits are settled out of court by having child injury law firms negotiate a settlement with the insurance company.

Child Injury Attorneys

Don’t go it alone, and don’t accept any offer given to you by the school or its respective insurer. Let us get you the maximum compensation you deserve – call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 and speak with a child injury lawyer for your FREE and no-commitment consultation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.