
Estimating Wage Loss In Federal Workers’ Compensation Cases

Injured federal workers such as you may have to stay away from work in order to give time for their injuries to heal. Thankfully, the federal government, under the Office of the Worker’s Compensation Program (OWCP) helps compensate you up to a certain number of weeks to help with the wages you didn’t receive due to your extended home or hospital pay due to your injuries.

Form CA-7

It is important to note that you must fill in the correct form in order to be considered for wage loss. Form CA-7, which can be found here is the correct wage loss form which must be filed with your employment agency. In addition, the form requires that you report any and all pay you may have received working supplemental jobs outside of your federal job.

Calculating Wage Loss

As a rule of thumb, OWCP will take the first 52 weeks before your injury and then come up with your average weekly pay. With this figure, it will determine what you’re going to get as wage loss compensation depending on whether or not you have dependents. If you don’t have dependants, you’ll receive 66 and 2/3 % from the injury date. This amount is tax free.

If you have dependents that comprise of immediate family such as a wife and kids, you’ll receive 75% of your pay from the injury date. This amount is also tax free. Form CA-7 should be filled in carefully and with the help of a federal workers’ compensation attorney so that you get what’s rightfully yours and aren’t denied compensation.  When it comes to dependents, children under 18, those between 18 and 23 but are attending college or disabled family members unable to take care of themselves are considered as legal dependents. Lastly, all compensation payments will be done via EFT and deposited through direct deposit.

Need Help With Your Federal Claim? Call Us Today!

We understand that this may be a lot of information to take in. As a result, we’d like to ask you to get in touch with us via phone on 1-877-561-3004 for your free consultation into federal workers’ compensation issues so we can help you get maximum compensation, simplify the process or get your denial reversed. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you.