
Important Information About OPM Disability Status in 2019

Going into FERS disability is the best option for injured or sick federal workers who have reached maximum medical improvement and cannot be able to return to work in any capacity. This is usually commenced by you applying for the same with your employing agency after seeking the needed treatment and the advisement of a health professional that has examined you and found you to be unfit for work.

Are you interested in learning more about the ins and outs of FERS disability as a federal worker? Please contact us TODAY at 1-855-233-3002 for more information on your legal options for compensation. If you need a helping hand when it comes to processing the documents, representing you in case your application was denied, or simply need to talk to an attorney regarding all things federal disability retirement, please call 1-855-233-3002 to speak with one of our friendly and resourceful federal disability retirement attorneys for free.

OPM is charged with the task of processing all applications for compensation with regard to FERS disability. Your OPM disability retirement status is usually going to be at the top of your concern because nobody likes to wait for something owed to them by an entity they most probably they gave their entire lives to in service. OPM disability retirement processing time 2019 usually varies, but the average time you’ll need in order for the application to be processed and your first batch of funds to be released is 7 months: that being said, this is not a hard and fast number, and some people have had to wait for over 12 months to start receiving their benefits as injured federal workers or sick postal workers who can no longer go to work in any capacity.

Qualifying for FERS Disability Retirement  

The minimum with regard to injury or illness is typically a year in order to be considered for FERS disability. You must also receive some form of confirmation from OPM to show that they cannot accommodate you in any way, shape or form in their and other federal agencies at the same pay scale, and commute area that meets your qualification.

OPM Disability Status – What You Can and Should Do

If you’ve already gone through the process and are waiting to receive your benefits, there are a couple of things you can do in order to stay on top of your OPM disability status. First, you need to email OPM at or call 888.767.6738 and speak with an OPM representative every month to check if and how your application for compensation has progressed. In addition, ask extra questions such as if they need any more documentation from you, if your claim has a reviewer already, and if they can give you a rough fdate with regard to when you’ll get feedback from them regarding whether or not you’ve been greenlit to receive benefits. Please note that email may be more convenient because you won’t be kept waiting on the phone, and you’ll have documentation that you can refer back to at a future date to clarify anything should there be a need to do so.

OPM Federal Disability Retirement Lawyer – Call Us Today!

Need more information on FERS disability and how to make sure that you get the benefits you deserve? If you need an extra pair of legal eyes to look over your claim, help with the update process, and more, we’re here for you. Please contact us TODAY at 1-855-233-3002 to learn more about our OPM disability retirement legal services. We look forward to hearing from you.