Belviq and Breast Cancer – Is There a Link ? Find Out Here

Belviq, a top-selling weight loss drug has recently been in the news when the FDA issued a voluntary recall after multiple studies linked it to the development of various cancers such as lung, pancreatic and breast cancers. While weight loss is a noble and sometimes life-and-death cause for taking these drugs, the risks can sometimes outweigh the benefits.
Did you or a loved one take Belviq and then consequently got diagnosed with cancer? If so, you may be eligible for compensation. For years, the makers of Belviq downplayed the cancer risk of this weight-loss drug, putting the lives of patients at risk in an unreasonable manner, as well as failing to warn them of the same which would have helped them make an informed decision on whether or not they would continue with said drug. If you or a loved one got diagnosed with cancer a few months after taking Belviq regularly, we’re here for you. Please call our Belviq lawyers NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. The call is FREE, and there’s zero obligation.
Belviq Cancer Risk – The FDA Investigates
The link between Belviq use and cancer was discovered when a woman from Louisiana filed a lawsuit naming the drug’s manufacturers as defendants when she developed breast cancer after taking Belviq for about a year between late 2018 and 2019. What’s interesting is the fact that Belviq was actually rejected by the FDA back in 2010 when it was shown that in animal studies, the weight loss drug caused rats to develop breast cancer and brain tumors. It was later approved two years later after the FDA came up with a caveat that the drug be put through rigorous double-blind placebo-controlled trials.
How Belviq Works
Belviq works by targeting the hunger receptors in the brain which control satiety. By doing this, people feel full after eating only a small amount of food, which in turn causes them to lose weight by eating less and feeling full for longer.
Do I Have a Valid Belviq Lawsuit?
In order to qualify for a Belviq lawsuit, you must have taken the drug for at least 6 months, and received a diagnosis of breast, colorectal, lung or other cancer types during or shortly after. In addition, you must be over 18, and you must have received the diagnosis of cancer within 7 years of taking the medication. There are other pre-qualifications, and this is where we come in. please contact us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about what we can do for you to help not only expedite the filing of your claim, but to also ensure you get the best care as well as safeguard your rights to a just compensation. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.