What Is FERS Disability? Start Here!

Injured federal workers have their rights protected under FERS which guarantees that they will receive compensation and the option of retiring after suffering a disabling or severe occupational disease or injury. Injured federal workers usually feel very overwhelmed the first time they go online to seek information so they can file a claim; there are dozens of blogs all saying different things, and little to no help from past applicants who often leave internet boards once they get the help they need, leaving future applicants lost in the process.
Are you looking to file for FERS disability as an injured federal worker? Please contact us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. For over two decades, we’ve helped hundreds of applicants get the compensation they needed within the shortest time possible. Don’t gamble with your future, and don’t get locked out of filing a claim as an injured federal worker: call us NOW at (773) 825-3547 to learn more about our resources and why we’re the best injured federal worker attorneys around.
OPM, or the Office of Personnel Management is responsible for all disability retirement claims. This form of compensation is ideal for those in federal government looking to retire early, those who have suffered a disabling injury and cannot work at their current position, as well as those who have developed an occupational disease that may hinder their carrying out of work duties within the federal government.
Here are the disability retirement requirements you must meet:
- You must have worked for USPS or any other arm of government for over 18 months
- You must have been injured physically or mentally to the point where you’re unable to carry out useful and efficient service for the federal government
- You federal agency must attest to the fact that they have tried and failed to find an alternate position for you within government employment which matched not only your former position, but also its pay grade
Job-Related Stress Benefits for Federal Workers
We understand how stressful being a federal worker can be, especially if working in time-sensitive areas such as the Postal Service. Job-related stress is a valid reason for applying for federal disability retirement as long as you can prove that the stressful situation hinders you from providing useful and efficient service as well as have objective medical reports to back up your claim.
Best Federal Disability Retirement Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Ready to apply for federal disability retirement benefits? Let us help make the whole process easy for you: call us NOW at (773) 825-3547 for more information on your legal options for compensation, as well as gain access to our network of medical doctors well-versed with carrying out medical tests for injured federal workers, among other numerous resources. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.