Is It Hard to Get Federal Disability Retirement? The Answer May Surprise You

A disabling injury or an occupational illness that has become so severe that working through it is no longer tenable may make you eligible for federal disability retirement benefits. This is made possible by OPM, or the Office of Personnel Management which handles all requests for disability compensation as decreed by law.
Are your looking for the best FERS disability attorneys? If you’ve suffered a disabling injury and don’t see yourself returning to work any time soon, or suffered the worsening of an occupational condition, whether physical or psychological, you may become eligible for compensation. Please contact us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. The call is ABSOLUTELY FREE, and you’ll get access to not only our best FERS attorney, but our network of medical professionals who are well-versed in carrying out objective medical exams for injured federal workers.
A lot of clients come to us asking the golden question: “is it hard to get federal disability retirement?” The short answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT. Application and approval is contingent on various factors such as your medical report showing a connection between your injury and inability to continue carrying out your work duties, your age at the time of application, time spent working for the federal government, and the lack of comparable employment within the same pay scale in a position that takes into account your injuries.
In order to apply for federal disability retirement benefits, you will need to fill in:
- Application for Immediate Retirement or form SF 3107
- Documentation in Support of Disability Retirement
Warning Regarding The Cost of Medical Exams
There’s however one caveat when applying for FERS disability: you must foot the costs of documentation and collection of evidence for this kind of injured federal worker compensation benefit. This is where we come in: experienced FERS disability lawyers will help with the cost of the same and then have the amount taken out of your overall compensation once your case is settled and won. Just call (773) 823-0298 for more info.
Federal Disability Retirement Benefits – How Much Do I Get?
FERS disability entitles you to 60 percent of your pre-disability for one year, after which you will receive 40 percent for consecutive years. That being said, you’ll have to apply for both SSI and FERS benefits at the same time in order to become eligible, and you may be asked to prove that you are disabled at a later date just so you can stay on the program.
Best Federal Disability Retirement Compensation Attorneys –Call Us Now!
Need to make sense of it all? Call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. The process can be long, tedious and going it alone will guarantee mistakes that may put your application in jeopardy. Trust the experts: call the experienced FERS disability attorneys at McCready, Garcia & Leet TODAY to receive your FREE consultation into all things federal disability retirement. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.