Who Is Most at Risk for Paraquat-Related Parkinson’s? Find Out Here

Preparing farmland that’s in the tens or even hundreds of acres is no easy feat, especially if you only have a few days to the start of the planting or rainy season. Everything nowadays is timed to a certain precision and as such, efficiency is of the ultimate importance. When land is allowed to go back to its fallow state, weeds and other undesirable plants usually take hold. This presents a problem for commercial farmers as these weeds are not only aggressive, but they have the potential to outcompete the commercial crop being grown such as corn or wheat. To this end, scientists developed a chemical in the 1950’s and 1960’s which was shown to kill all plants on contact. The chemical or product was named Paraquat, and it was at first used by the government in its war against drugs due to its efficacy when it comes to clearing whole fields of drug raw materials such as the poppy plant and marijuana. Over time, farmers started using it, and this ushered a new era of crop productivity and even surpluses, making the U.S. one of the biggest exporters of agricultural produce the world over. What the makers of this drug failed to mention, however, is the fact that Paraquat was especially toxic to human health. To this end, individuals who were exposed to Paraquat working in farms many decades ago were developing Parkinson’s disease once they reached mid-age. If you’re one of the people that used Paraquat as a farm hand or worker and are now contending with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s, we’d love to help you get compensated by way of a Paraquat class action lawsuit.
Are you looking for a Paraquat Parkinson’s disease attorney? The experienced Paraquat lawyers have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience handling all manner of personal injury cases, and it would be an honor to put all this experience to work for you on your Paraquat lawsuit. Please call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more about your legal options for compensation and justice. What sets McCready Law Paraquat lawyers apart is the fact that we have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), and all cases are handled by a real attorney, and not a paralegal. In addition, McCready Law has litigated dozens of cases to court level, which is not something most personal injury law firms have experience with, as insurance negotiations are the order of the day. Regardless of where you are in the country, if you believe that your Parkinson’s disease diagnosis is due to long-term exposure to Paraquat, give us a call NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more about your legal options. The call is 100% FREE, and there’s absolutely no legal obligation.
The following groups of people are at risk of developing Paraquat-related Parkinson’s
- Individuals who sprayed Paraquat
- Those who loaded or mixed Paraquat in preparation for its spraying
- Vineyard workers
- Individuals that maintained equipment and tanks for Paraquat
- Individuals living in farming communicators
- Those that live in California due to its largest user or Paraquat
- Individuals that regularly stock their stores with California-grown produce
Best Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
This is by no means an exhaustive list due to the fact that Paraquat has been known to contaminate ground water as well as air, making it possible that individuals living in nearby states adjacent to California may also be at risk. It is important that if you or a loved one developed Parkinson’s due to Paraquat that you file your claim immediately in order to beat the statute of limitations or lawsuit time window. Need to speak with a Paraquat lawyer? Simply call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.