Help, I’m a Nurse Who Was Injured on the Job! Your Legal Options

The healthcare sector plays a vital role in the lives of all Americans, as seen in the pandemic that rocked the country and world for over a year. It is estimated that out of the hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers that are in nursing, over 80 percent are women. Nursing is a thankless job as all the glory seems to go the doctors, and these individuals have to put up with unbearably long hours, difficult patients, traumatic events and the threat of injury and disease, all the while maintaining a compassionate front for the patients they serve. Nursing injuries are more common than most people realize, and these individuals need proper representation in the event that they do get injured given the fact that hospital administration isn’t in the business of paying out compensation for its injured workers, and tries to keep its costs as low as possible so the company can grow at the expense of the injured nurses. If you’re an injured nurse, you have every right to file a legal claim as this will help you recover substantial financial compensation in the form of money damages, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best nurse injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 825-3605 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced nurse injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping people just like you get compensated after getting hurt due to the reckless and negligent actions of people or corporations. What makes us different is the fact that we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that we don’t charge ANYTHING when you first reach out to us to file a legal claim as an injured nurse, as cases are handled and resolved with compensation recovered on behalf of the client, after which we will recover our fees. Our attorneys are bilingual (hablamos Espanol), and all cases are personally handled by a real attorney, and not a paralegal. We also litigate cases based on their merit, especially if we believe that we can get out much more than what the insurance company is offering. Need help with your claim as an injured nurse? Wherever you are in the country, please give us a call NOW at (773) 825-3605 to learn more about your legal options – the call is ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Here are some of the most common injuries suffered by nurses:
- Sprains and strains due to moving things and people at awkward angles
- Attacks by patients
- Slipping and falling on food, blood, vomit or bodily fluids
- Getting injured by malfunctioning medical equipment
- Getting injured by needles, unused or used
- Sexual assault by other workers or patients
- Psychological torture by workers and patients
- Repetitive motion injury
Best Nurse Injury Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
It is important to understand that you as a nurse have inalienable rights that are enforceable by filing a legal claim in order to hold the at-fault party accountable. All injuries have an element of negligence, and someone usually fails to adhere to a duty of care leading to others getting injured. If you’d like to learn more about filing a nursing injury lawsuit, please call us NOW at (773) 825-3605 to speak with an experienced nursing injury lawyer. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.