Help, I Got Injured While Working for Subway Restaurant! Your Legal Options

Subway chain of restaurants hires tens of thousands of individuals to handle orders at their over 20,000 stores around the world. In the U.S., it is fast becoming one of the most influential and profitable fast-food restaurants thanks to their aggressive marketing and advertising, and their unbeatable prices. Subway makes a hefty profit that runs in the tens of billions of dollars each year, but it still has a hard time ensuring that its workers are treated fairly and with compassion. It is not easy to cater to different types of clients as well as be on one’s feet, preparing sandwiches for hours on end. To this end, the government worker safety agency OSHA has laid down regulations that are meant to help protect individuals working in the hospitality industry by enforcing certain rules and making sure that restaurant owners follow them in order to prevent injuries and boost worker productivity. If you were injured whole working at a Subway restaurant outlet, chances are that negligence had a role to play in the same, and that you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation through the filing of a lawsuit, something we’d be happy to help you with.
Are you looking for a best Subway restaurant worker injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced restaurant worker injury attorneys at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get what they are owed after being hurt by the negligent actions of other individuals or large corporations. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why you should choose us to represent you in your Subway restaurant worker injury lawsuit is the fact that we aren’t afraid to litigate claims if we believe that the insurance company is reluctant to offer you compensation that reflects the extent of your injuries. In addition to having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), all cases are personally handled by experienced restaurant worker injury attorneys, and not paralegals. Lastly, you don’t have to worry about our legal fees as all cases are handled on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever given the fact that cases must be processed and compensation recovered before we levy our fees. Wherever you are in the country, we can help you with your injury claim: simply call us NOW at (773) 823-0298 to learn more about your legal options – the call is 100% FREE!
Here are some of the most common hazards faced by Subway restaurant workers:
- Working with defective machines that may cause bodily injury
- Working with and serving irate and unreasonable, and sometimes violent customers
- Slipping and falling around the kitchen due to unmopped liquids
- Sexual attacks and assault visited upon them by their co-workers
- Getting burned by hot drinks due to lack of proper work clothing
- Back, hip or even knee injury due to heavy lifting
- Repetitive motion injury due to performing the same action over and over
Compassionate Subway Restaurant Worker Injury Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
It is important that you report your injury to your supervisor and then seek immediate treatment, no matter how minor it may seem. This is due to the fact that these two actions will not only legitimize your claim, but they will also help us put an exact number with regard to money damages on your behalf. Beware of being asked to give any statements, whether written or oral, and ensure that you call us FIRST at (773) 823-0298 to safeguard your case’s integrity and to know how much you can recover as an injured Subway restaurant worker. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.