Help, I Was Injured on the Job as a Security Guard! Your Legal Options Here

It is important to note that security guards, despite their beefy exterior and able-bodied physique, need help from injury as well. These are individuals that often put their lives on the line for other people so that the individuals and businesses or residential areas they are guarding are kept safe at all times, and pretty much throughout the year, including weekends. Security guards usually have some formal training or experience in the armed forces having gone to work with the military or other private security firms after police academy training, and with the state of the world and an increase in shootings, property theft in places like Florida as well as the encroachment of gangs into certain cities, their services are needed more than ever. However, what happens when a security guard is injured or assaulted? Who really takes the fall, and how will the guard seek reprieve or justice? Filing a security guard workers’ compensation claim is ideal, but if the injuries are extensive, necessitating a long period off work so one can recover, filing a lawsuit to recover money damages may be in order, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for an injured security guard injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 362-2747to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced security guard injury lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience, and it would be our honor to help you seek compensation by putting our skills to work for you. What makes us different is the fact that we’re not afraid to litigate cases if we believe that we can get you so much more than what the insurance company is offering, particularly if your injuries deserve it. Lastly, we work on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that there are NO UPFRONT CHARGES on all cases as we process cases and recover compensation for all clients prior to levying our legal fees, which always come at the end. Regardless of where you are in the country, please call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more about your legal options – the call is 100% FREE, and there’s no legal obligation.
Here are some of the ways in which security guards may get injured:
- Assault by irate or unreasonable residential members of a community
- Slipping and falling on spills and food left over by catering crew
- Electrocution due to faulty stun guns or tazers for professional use
- Back, hip or knee injuries due to heavy lifting of boxes
- Sunburn, dehydration and heat stroke due to working in scorching temperatures
- Overexertion injuries such as back injury, dislocated shoulders and the like
- Toxic gas or chemical exposure due to working with hazardous chemicals all day
Best Security Guard Injury Attorneys – Call Us Now!
It is important to understand that you as a security guard are offered protection by the regulations laid down by the government work safety agency OSHA. To this end, should you get injured on the job, chances are you may have not been protected by your supervisor or manager who did not put into account OSHA safety regulations. Want to know what these are, and what the worth of your legal claim is? Please call us NOW at (773) 362-2747 to learn more. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.