
Help I Was Injured by a Minor in a Car Accident ! Who’s Liable ?

The legal driving age for most states is 18 – however, due to peer pressure and the feeling of wanting to be independent, many teens may get behind the wheel and drive a vehicle even under their own parent’s noses. This usually happens over school or college holidays and could be due to the fact that they may want to go out with friends or attend a party. This presents a dual problem because the teen that drives is most likely going to do so while inebriated or under the influence of drugs such as marijuana or illegal pills. Accidents caused by teens tend to be challenging as our attorneys must establish a clear pattern of negligence before the case is accepted as viable. That said, if you were in an accident and got injured by a minor or teenager, you may be able to recover money damages, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for a best underage driving accident attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 673-9861 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced underage driver accident lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience that we’d love to put to work on your claim so we can get you your duly deserved compensation after being hurt and injured by the negligent actions of a minor or teenager. Our attorneys are not only bilingual (hablamos Espanol), but we also make sure to handle every legal claim and don’t leave the same to paralegals who may not have the needed experience, but who may also lack the expertise and in-depth knowledge of the law that we have. We also take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which means there are NO UPFRONT FEES whatsoever during any point in the processing of your claim as this is done at the very end, and only after we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. Regardless of where you are, we can help you with your accident claim: simply call us NOW at (773) 673-9861 to learn more – the call is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Given the age of a minor, the following may be responsible if they caused an accident while drunk:

  • Their parents
  • The place that served them the alcohol or provided the drugs
  • The host of a social function or party

Minors Don’t Have Car Insurance – Who’s Liable for My Accident?

Minors are also less likely to have auto insurance: however, should they cause an accident, the car owner’s insurance will kick in to pay for your damages. That said, the car owner may try to get out of paying for said damages because they will assert that the minor never should have been driving the vehicle in the first place as they never gave permission for them to do so.

Lawyers for Accidents Caused by Minors – Call Us NOW!

Given the complexity of these cases, it is important that after seeking treatment and collecting witness testimony that you reach out to us at (773) 673-9861 so we can help create a compelling case on your behalf in order to ensure the collection of money damages on your behalf. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.