
Help, I Got Injured While Working at J.C. Penney! What are My Legal Options?

Working for a clothing store can be an exciting and eye-opening experience for those that want to get into the retail industry. This type of job requires that you have excellent customer service skills, patience as well as flexibility. While it may look easy, workers have to put up with a lot of different types of problems and personalities as well as be individuals who can solve problems in a timely and creative manner. Working in retail means many hours on your feet, having to wait on customers and making sure that there are no mishaps in or around the store. The government work safety agency OSHA is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that workers are kept safe and healthy thanks to its extensive regulations and rules that govern worker safety in just about every area of work in the country. Managers and business owners are required to have an understanding of these regulations as well as enforce them in a consistent manner as not doing so may invite the risk of injury. If you got injured while working at J.C Penney, don’t expect the company to do the right thing and compensate you as dictated by workers’ compensation laws: engaging the services of an attorney will help make sure that your compensation is in line with your injuries, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for a best J.C. Penney workers’ compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced retail store workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get compensated after getting injured on account of the negligent actions of other individuals or large corporations. What makes us different is the fact that we litigate cases, as seen by the over 70 CASES we’ve litigated and won on behalf of our past clients. This is vital because it is often only via litigation are you able to recover a substantial amount of compensation especially when the insurance company is acting in bad faith, which is typically the majority of the time. In addition to having a bilingual staff, we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that there are NO UPFRONT COSTS while we process you claim given the fact that we only levy our fees at the very end of the case. Regardless of your current location in America at the moment, if you got injured while working at J.C. Penney, we can help – simply call us NOW at (773) 906-4833 to learn more: the call is 100% FREE!

Experienced J.C. Penney Workers’ Compensation Attorneys – Call NOW!

When it comes to injured workers at J.C. Penney, evidence is key. This means that in order for you to have a valid claim, you’re going to have to show that you were indeed injured, and this is why it is so important that you go to the ER immediately after having sustained your injuries since this will create medical records attesting to the same. In addition, you want to preserve the integrity of your claim by speaking to NO-ONE but us at (773) 906-4833 so we can make sure you don’t record a statement, albeit unknowingly, implicating you in the sustaining of your injuries. Thanks, and we look forward to helping you.