
Did You Lose a Loved One to Sudden Cardiac Arrest During An Athletic Event? You May Have a Strong Wrongful Death Case.

“Guys, I need water. Get me some water!” Grant Brace pleaded.

A police report published in early June 2022 revealed that the coaches of the University of Cumberland wrestling team are to blame for 20-year-old Grant Brace’s death from exertional heatstroke.

On the hot, muggy afternoon of August 31, 2020, during the team’s intense outdoor practice session, they denied Brace water and discouraged his teammates from aiding him.

Brace couldn’t keep pace with his teammates as they ran up and down a 200-foot slope known as “Punishment Hill.”

Two hours after practice, students and staff found him outside on all fours, clutching handfuls of grass. He died later that day.

Likely A Strong Wrongful Death Case

Brace’s parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the school, claiming that the coaches were to blame.

The police report, which relied on eyewitness and security footage evidence, suggests that the Cumberland University personnel responsible for his safety failed him.

It’s unclear whether they eventually deployed an AED to aid Brace.

But considering the eyewitness accounts, if they did it was likely far too late.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED): Life-Saving Equipment

Tragically, adults and children involved in organized sporting events at public venues die from cardiac arrest every year.

Causes include:

  • exertional heatstroke
  • heart attack
  • coronary artery disease
  • enlarged heart
  • valvular heart disease
  • congenital heart defect
  • coronary electrical problems
  • accidental chest blows

Readily available automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at athletic facilities that can be used on a victim within minutes can save lives.

Though paramedics may not arrive in time, many if not most of these deaths are preventable – and every second matters.

By investing a thousand dollars or less in an AED, colleges, schools, and athletic organizations can take a major step toward preventing tragedies.

Experienced Wrongful Death Attorneys

If you are the surviving spouse, parent, child, or other next of kin to a loved one you believe died wrongfully during an athletic event at a school, sporting or athletic facility, hospital, or public venue, we can help.

McCready Law’s wrongful death lawyers have ample experience litigating wrongful death suits related to AEDs when a victim on the premises suffers cardiac arrest.

Please call us today at (773) 779-9885 for a 100% free consultation.