
Got Injured at Target While Shopping? Secrets to Compensation

Target is a well-recognized retail brand thanks to the red bull’s-eye and the virtually red-painted supermarkets that are found in just about every suburban area in the country. Target’s humble beginnings, however, can be traced back to the early 20th century in 1902, when an entrepreneur named George Dayton established a dry goods store in Minneapolis, Minnesota under the Dayton Dry Goods Company name. The store saw several expansions over the next two decades, and by 1920, it was a veritable competitor in the retail space in Minnesota and the surrounding states. Dayton Company then went on to establish the first Target store in Roseville, Minnesota in 1962, with the aim of creating a discount store, but not compromising on quality products as well as ensuring that customers got a more upscale shopping experience, something most stores weren’t offering. Target’s store design was intentionally done up to stress upon a bright and clean environment, while offering choices upon choices of goods in order to beat the competition. Target grew by leaps and bounds in the 70’s and 80’s, and it focused on home goods and apparel, and in 1975, became the first retailer to introduce a private label brand, making it possible for them to offer exclusive yet affordable products.

Today, Target has over 1900 store locations across the country, and provides customers with the opportunity to also shop online. That said, most shoppers still prefer the traditional route, and because of this, the mega retailer sees millions of shoppers come through their doors in their numerous locations and with this, comes the risk of injury to thousands of shoppers each week. It is important to note that while shopping may be an enjoyable experience, it is not always a safe one. Slips and falls, head and back injuries, trips, lacerations and other types of injuries occur with frightening regularity, which shouldn’t be the case if the company indeed follows the safety regulations set forth by the government agency OSHA. If you got injured at any Target store anywhere in the country, you may be able to recover compensation under the legal principle of premises liability law, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for a best Target injury attorney? If you got injured while shopping at any Target supermarket, or even got injured outside by the door or parking lot, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation. The experienced Target injury lawyers at McCready Law have for close to three decades helped individuals just like you seek and receive compensation after getting injured at retail stores across the country due to worker or management negligence. Target supermarket injury lawsuits are taken up on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the claim, and our attorneys only levy legal fees at the end of the process, and only if we’ve won your case on your behalf. We are also not afraid to escalate a target slip and fall injury lawsuit and take it to court if we believe that litigation can get you a much higher dollar amount that is commensurate with your injuries, and our litigation success rate speaks for itself. We run a bilingual office (hablamos Espanol), and all enquiries and emails are responded to in a timely manner, with attorneys being accessible at all times. If you’d like a 100% FREE legal consult into all things Target supermarket injury settlements, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by.

List of Most Common Causes of Target Store Injuries

Some of the most common injuries one can sustain at Target stores include:

Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are surprisingly common at Target stores countrywide due to a number of reasons. To begin with, wet floors, particularly in the grocery area can lead to slippery surfaces which if not cleaned up in a timely manner, may pose an injury risk. In addition, uneven surfaces due to either loose tiles or cracks in the flooring can cause you to lose your footing and fall. Fractures and sprains are the most common injuries associated with slip and fall incidents.

Product-Related Injuries

Target tends to pack its shelves to the hilt with products. Shoppers often receive little to no help trying to take the products they need down, and by doing so, may inadvertently injure themselves. Given the hundreds of thousands of products available at any store, workers may negligently arrange these in a negligent manner, and because of improperly securing them, items may come toppling over and crushing down onto unsuspecting shoppers, causing head and back injuries.

Some of the most common types of injuries one can sustain while shopping at Target include things like bruises and contusions, head trauma, and cuts and lacerations. These injuries require urgent medical attention in order to stop them from becoming serious or chronic. In some cases, surgery may be required in order to stabilize the injury as well as repair broken bones or ease pressure arising out of internal bleeding or crush injuries.

What Must I Prove in Order to Have a Valid Target Injury Lawsuit?

Getting injured at Target doesn’t however qualify you for compensation automatically. You must prove a variety of principles in order to have a valid claim. To start with, you must prove that the store had a duty of care to keep you safe. This can include things like leaving out safety and warning signage regarding potentially hazardous areas of the store, training their employees on good customer service and helping customers navigate the store and so on. Next, you must demonstrate that the store breached its duty of care by for example neglecting to repair cracked floors or broken carts, failings to clean up spills in a timely manner et cetera. Third, you will be legally required to establish causation, or show a direct link between your injury and the breach of duty: for example, was the lack of security personnel the proximate cause of your injuries? Lastly, you must demonstrate that your injuries led to compensable damages which may have impacted you financially or emotionally going forward.

Potential Damages

Here are some of the damages one can recover after getting injured at a Target supermarket:

Medical Expenses

These form a central component of any injury claim due to the fact that you may spend a considerable amount of time and financial resources being made physically whole again. The cost of emergency room visits, hospitalizations, follow-up appointments and subsequent hospitalizations will be transferred on to Target management if it is determined that their negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries.

Lost Wages

If you suffered a fracture, broke your foot or arm, or even sustained a severe back injury, you may need to take time out to recover. However, life doesn’t stop for anyone, and you may end up losing out on income during your convalescence period. As a result, your injuries may entitled you to lost wages which may encompass full-time and part-time salary where applicable, overtime pay as well as future earnings if you developed a disability that impacts your ability to work at a certain capacity in the future.

Emotional Distress

The fallout of your Target injury event may involve some psychological aspects due to the ensuing emotional trauma. To this end, you may experience ongoing worry and anxiety about your health and safety, depression due to the injuries you endured, PTSD and a heightened state of vigilance about needing to be careful so you don’t get injured again, and so on. This will require specialized psychological treatment, and to this end, you may recover damages for emotional distress so you can be made whole again.

Countrywide Target Supermarket Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!

It is important to note that Target supermarket injury lawsuits are complex and filled with deadlines. We always tell clients not to delay when it comes to seeking medical attention in order for the insurance company or judge to not cast aspersions on your injury allegations, and to file an official incident report with Target management, but being wary about having to sign anything – talk to us first before you sign any piece of paper or verbally agree to anything as doing so may lock you out of seeking compensation by way of a Target store injury lawsuit. We will help by putting together a team of medical experts and investigators, issue the Target store with a court order compelling them to provide us with CCTV footage that captured your injury event, represent you in insurance company negotiations, and ensure that all deadlines for document submission are met to preserve the integrity of your case. If you got injured at ANY Target anywhere in the country, we can help: simply call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our best Target supermarket injury lawyers. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.