
A Guide to Applying for Compensation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Injured USPS Workers

Despite what you may have heard, the work of a USPS worker is neither easy or breezy. USPS workers are typically depicted in popular culture as employees of the federal government who have it easy and get paid tons, while carrying small, light packages. The reality, however, is completely different: one must lug huge and bulky boxes and packages up flights of stairs, or through hot, blazing neighborhoods and even in torrential or snowy conditions so that the customer gets their mail or packages in a timely manner.

The numerous hazards faced by postal workers therefore makes them prone to injuries from things like slips and falls, auto accidents, dog bites, toxic chemical exposure and prolonged exposure to heat or cold. These injuries can develop into a phenomenon known as complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, which is a chronic and debilitating condition that may permanently put an USPS worker out of commission and into early retirement or allow you to remain on federal workers’ compensation for an extended period.

It is important to note that the federal government provides injured postal workers with the ability to retire early on account of a permanent injury thanks to the FERS disability program. However, due to the bureaucracy surrounding this program, it is nothing but easy to receive one’s benefits, or even get accepted into the program; it is for this reason that you will need the keen eyes of an experienced FERS disability and federal workers’ compensation attorney, and we’re here to help with that. 

An Attorney Can Help You

Are you looking for a FERS disability attorney? For over two decades, we’ve helped injured postal worker seek and keep compensation after getting injured on the job. Early retirement due to disability is available as long as one meets certain conditions, and this is different from federal workers’ compensation as it may kick in before retirement age. Our experienced FERS disability attorneys have handled thousands of similar cases, and we serve injured USPS workers across the country. If you are an injured postal worker that suffered a permanent injury, please reach out to us TODAY at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE consultation into your legal options for justice and compensation.

What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Complex regional pain syndrome is a term used to describe a burning, unrelenting type of pain that is inconsistent to a person’s injury. This type of pain is chronic and intractable, making the sufferer unable to do anything meaningful when it comes to work performance. It can be debilitating and change a person’s disposition and outlook of life, and must be managed on a daily basis. CRPS is neurological in nature, and involves malfunctioning nerves. 

Common Causes of CRPS in USPS Workers

CRPS is common in USPS workers due to the following environments or causes:

  1. Lifting and carrying different size packages every single day while having to navigate different terrain and hazards can put these workers in the line of injuries such as cuts and lacerations, fractures and dislocations, crush injuries and sprains and strains.
  2. Environmental factors such as extreme temperatures, toxic chemical exposure, and electrical shocks may be common, leading to nerve damage and injuries that may precipitate CRPS 
  3. Delayed treatment of injuries due to managers brushing off an injured USPS worker’s concerns can increase the risk of CRPS developing since trauma and sustained, unresolved inflammation are the perfect breeding ground for this condition

Common Symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Some of the most common symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome include:

  • Exaggerated or disproportionate sensitivity to changes in temperature or touch. Even clothes brushing against one’s skin or a soft hug can cause a burning, sharp pain on the affected part. In addition, slight changes in a room’s cold or heat may lead to intense pain and discomfort 
  • CRPS also physically manifests on one’s skin, and patients may notice redness, swelling and skin temperature alterations in the area affected. For instance, the arm or leg affected may feel warm to the touch, look flushed as well as swollen despite lack of visible signs of trauma. These symptoms are due to the abnormal inflammatory symptom patients face, and can add to the chronic pain they already feel 
  • Decreased range of motion and muscle weakness may also be experienced by the injured individual, making simple things such as walking to the door, holding a frying pan or working on their garden an impossibility or remarkably painful. 
  • Nail and hair growth changes are also a hallmark of CRPS where the nails and hair either slow down with regard to growth, or grow faster and thicker, particularly around the affected area. This is due to autonomic nervous system disturbances that are very common in CRPS sufferers 
  • Movement disorders such as dystonia and tremors are also extremely common where the patient suffers either involuntary muscle contractors or cannot maintain their balance due to severe tremors. This may necessitate surgery or anticonvulsants and the use of assistive devices such as braces, wheelchairs, canes and so on in order to help the patient maintain a semblance of independence.

Diagnosing and Treating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome in USPS workers is diagnosed via the performing of detailed physical examinations, imaging tests such as bone scans, X-rays and MRIs, nerve conduction studies and diagnostic nerve blocks. Treatment includes prescribing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticonvulsants or antidepressants, opioid analgesics, and topical ointments and creams. Spinal cord stimulation, intrathecal drug pumps and sympathetic nerve blocks will also help in pain management. Lastly, physical and occupational therapy will help improve the patient’s range of motion, functional mobility and overall strength, and psychological support will help provide the patient with useful coping tools and access to a community suffering the same condition for emotional support. 

Experienced Attorneys for USPS Worker FERS Disability Benefits – Call Us Today!

FERS disability for chronic pain conditions such as complex regional pain syndrome is available as long as you have been employed by the federal government for a continuous 18 months, and if you can prove that this condition has made it impossible for you to perform your job duties.

Lastly, you may be eligible for FERS disability benefits if you can prove that your CRPS is expected to last for at least 12 months. Medical documentation is key in such claims, and you must be under the age of 62. Expert medical opinions will also go a long way in ensuring your approval into the program, and by working with an experienced attorney, you may even be able to secure retroactive benefits. Want to make sense of it all? Please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Remember, your first consultation is ABSOLUTELY FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.