
My USPS Supervisor Dismissed My Injury Claim – What Should I Do Next? Federal Compensation for Injured Postal Workers

Postal workers, due to the very nature of their job, are prone to injuries which can not only be life-altering but can change the way they show up for their work and career. Most USPS workers feel overworked and underappreciated, so it comes as no surprise therefore when they report an injury and are met with dismissals or denials from their supervisors who may even go as far as telling them to “suck it up” or “work through the pain”, completely minimizing their injury or illness. It is important to note before we continue that under the legal Act of FECA, you have the right to compensation as well as time off work in order to recover or to have your work responsibilities lowered, or position changed to one where you can work comfortably given your injuries if your case is accepted. This Act is enforceable and goes into detail when it comes to what you can receive as compensation, the compensable injuries the forms you must fill in, and which organizations to send them to in order to receive a determination as to your eligibility for compensation as an injured federal worker. That said, retaining the services of an experienced injured federal workers’ compensation attorney is vital if you’re ever going to recover compensation that is in line with your injuries, and we’re here to help with that.

Are you looking for a federal workers’ compensation attorney? The experienced federal workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law have been helping injured postal and other federal workers qualify, keep, and even have their benefits increased after getting injured on the job contracting an occupational disease, or having an underlying condition made worse by work conditions. We serve a countrywide clientele, and we run a bilingual office, making sure that you can receive timely legal assistance with federal workers’ compensation benefits regardless of where you are in the country. If you were injured while working for the United States Postal Service, you may be entitled to compensation under FECA – call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation: our federal worker’s compensation attorneys are standing by.

Timely Reporting and Immediate Medical Attention are Essential

When you get injured in a slip and fall or fall sick as a federal worker in USPS, it is essential that you report your injuries or illness in a timely manner. This is a formality as it may absolutely play into your eligibility for federal workers’ compensation and put some weight on your claim. Therefore, letting your supervisor know immediately is the right and prudent step to take. Even when the illness is not immediately apparent, let them know on the day you knew or should have become reasonably aware of your injury or health condition. In addition, you must seek immediate medical attention as this will document your injuries in an objective manner and show causation. Remember, even though seeing a doctor or going to the ER will be costly, you can be reimbursed for the cost of medical treatment as part of your federal workers’ compensation benefits.  In addition, seeking medical assistance will help treat your injury resulting in faster recovery, and prevent health complications from occurring down the line.

Your USPS Worker Supervisor Dismissed Your Claim – Now What?

It can be discouraging if a supervisor dismisses your injury report or outright denies it. This can leave you stressed and fill you with self-doubt, and even make you consider dropping the claim as you may feel like it will not go anywhere substantial. However, approaching a dismissal with a cool and calm mindset is key as this will help you protect your rights and ensure compensation down the road.

Document Everything

Immediately after being dismissed, document the conversation as these records will play a role in your eligibility for a claim. Start by noting down the time, date, and location of the conversation, as well as the details of any individuals who may have been present as they may act as witnesses and corroborate or substantiate your claims later on. Additionally, write a detailed summary of what was discussed, and include any statements or phrases uttered by the supervisor that may demonstrate their dismissal of your injury claim or they’re not taking seriously what you just told them. If there were reasons provided for their dismissal of your injury report, write these down too so we can help prepare counterevidence and clear up any misconceptions on your behalf. Lastly, keep this information in a safe but accessible place, as it may need to be pulled up to add to future conversations.

Request a Meeting

Seeking clarification from the supervisor before escalating the matter may help resolve the issue before it becomes a huge blowout and provide both of you with an environment within which to air your concerns or grievances in a professional manner. Request a meeting with them to discuss the dismissal, and before said meeting, prepare points you want to discuss, with things like events leading up to or which may have caused the injury, medical evidence, and why you believe a work situation led to the injury or illness. Ensure to keep your composure discuss why you believe you deserve compensation for your injuries and ask open-ended questions instead of flat-out accusing the supervisor as this creates a safe place for conflict resolution. However, in the end, it is not your supervisor’s decision to deny or accept your case.  Once it is filed with OWCP, the Claims Examiner is charged with the task of reviewing the evidence and making a formal decision.

Experienced Federal Workers’ Compensation Attorneys – Reach Out Today!

If the dismissal and the refusal to see your point continues, it may be time to escalate the matter by seeking the services of an experienced federal worker’s compensation attorney. This individual can help confirm your suspicions about your injuries or illness as well as inform you about your rights in a comprehensive manner, detailing whether or not your claim has merit according to the prevailing law.  Hiring an attorney for federal workers’ compensation claims will also help you benefit from their understanding of legal precedents as these are previous court decisions that can be used as benchmarks for future cases. They will reference past cases that are similar to your current claim for compensation, arguing that your situation is within the scope of the law and deserves compensation. We understand that this may be too much information to take in, and some concepts may be lost on you. To this end, we’d like to invite you to give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214  so we can clarify anything and everything that may not be clear, and also advise on whether or not you may be entitled to compensation for your USPS injury or illness. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and we handle all injured postal worker claims countrywide. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.