
Can I Sue Due to an Allergic Reaction to Airplane Food? The Answer May Surprise You

Food sensitivities are on the rise, and more and more people are needing to go on restrictive diets to manage their allergies. Allergies are a reaction to a compound that is considered a foreign object within the body, which prompts the body to launch an immune-based assault on this compound in order to eject it from the body. An allergic reaction can be traumatic and scary, and more often than not, the body launches an exaggerated response which may lead to a patient losing consciousness, seizing, becoming unable to breathe due to the narrowing of the air passage in the throat, and even going into a cardiac event if the allergic reaction is left to continue, unabated.

Millions of Americans take to the sky each day, and as such, you are bound to have tens of thousands or even more individuals with various food and other sensitivities on these flights, requiring caution on the side of the airline in order to accommodate their special needs, especially as they relate to their dietary requirements.

Airplane companies owe you a duty of care to keep you safe once you enter their premises, whether it is the airline’s airport and waiting lounges, or the airplane itself. Legally, they are required to take reasonable care and prudent steps to keep you safe, as well as alert you in a timely manner should there be any potential hazards so you can take the steps to protect you. Should they breach this duty of care to you, you may be able to recover compensation by way of filing an aviation lawsuit, and we’re here to help with that.

Experienced Aviation Injury Attorneys Fighting for Maximum Compensation

Are you looking for the best aviation lawsuit attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced aviation allergies attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of combined experience where we’ve helped thousands of individuals just like you recover compensation after becoming victims of negligence perpetrated by other parties or corporations.

What sets us apart from other law firms in the same field is our commitment to recovering the maximum allowed compensation for our clients, even if it means taking their cases to court. While over 90 percent of all civil lawsuits settle out of court, litigation can multiply your compensation by up to 50 or even 100 times depending on your damages, but most law firms on account of their lack of experience and resources, would rather engage in settlement negotiations, leaving you out of the chance to recover money damages that are commensurate with your injuries.

In addition to running a bilingual office (hablamos Español), we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for all cases as we will only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. We take on all aviation injury victims countrywide, so call us regardless of where you are in the country by dialing 312-444-0214 TODAY and we’ll put you in touch with an experienced aviation injuries lawyer within the shortest time possible – our intake team is standing by. 

How Do Food Allergies Occur?

Food allergies happen when the immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless food protein as a harmful substance. This then triggers an immune system reaction which then produces something called immunoglobulin E, or IgE that is specific to the allergen, leading to histamine release as well as other chemicals in an effort to fight this protein. 

Allergens vary in their type, but in general, scientists and nutrition have been able to identify what’s called the “Big Eight” food allergens.

These include:

  1. Peanuts: A peanut allergy can lead to an elevated reaction, even with the littlest exposure to the same 
  2. Tree nuts: This includes things like walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds and so on. In general, if you’re allergic to one tree nut, you’re allergic to all other tree nuts. 
  3. Shellfish: This allergy encompasses mollusks and crustaceans such as clams, shrimp, crab and so on. Shellfish allergy is the most prevalent seafood allergy 
  4. Fish allergy: Some individuals may have a reaction such as swelling and wheezing due to airway closure when they consume tuna, salmon or cod 
  5. Milk: cow’s milk is increasingly becoming an allergic compound, particularly in children, thought to be in part due to the modern manufacturing processes of the dairy industry as well as the overinjection of cows with hormones and antibiotics 
  6. Eggs; Egg allergies especially egg whites allergies are particularly common in children, but they grow out of them by adolescence. 
  7. Wheat: often confused with celiac disease, wheat allergies can lead to itchy skin, vomiting and trouble breathing 
  8. Soy: this is a common bean used extensively in Asia to make tofu and soy milk. However, many individuals whether children or adults find themselves allergic to processed foods containing soy. 

Airplane Responsibility When it Comes to Food Allergy Prevention

Airlines are required to provide a safe place for their passengers at all times, and as such, they are legally obligated to make sure that their patients are kept safe in case they may have allergies. To begin with, ingredients must be listed in a clear and accurate manner, as this kind of transparency will help passengers make informed choices regarding their meals while on the plane. In addition, failure to disclose these ingredients can expose airlines to legal liability should you suffer an allergic reaction. 

Food Cross-Contamination in Airplanes – Were You Affected?

An interesting fact about allergies in airplanes involves a phenomenon known as cross-contamination. Allergenic foods may not be on the menu, but should they come into contact with non-allergenic foods, they could elicit the same allergic reaction as if they were actually on the menu. To this end, airlines are legally required to let customers know about their food preparation processes, label these foods with information regarding the potential for cross-contamination, and train staff on the dangers of cross-contamination so they can take the needed steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. 

Notifying Airlines in Advance Regarding Your Allergies

Another important aspect regarding allergies in airplane usually involves airlines making it possible for patients with allergies to be accommodated. To this end, airlines should encourage passengers to inform them about their allergies before or during booking so that the airline can prepare alternative, suitable meal options. This option should be integrated into their booking systems, so patients can simply check boxes or leave a small note on their allergies. In addition, airlines should follow up with passengers, and indicate whether these dietary changes can be made. 

Should an allergic reaction occur on-board, cabin crew should act in a timely manner to defuse the emergency, there ought to be sufficient material to avert a medical emergency such as EpiPen and oxygen tanks, and they should be sufficiently and continuously trained when it comes to handling these emergencies. 

Best Airplane Food Allergy Lawsuits Attorneys – Call Us Today!

When an allergic reaction occurs on a plane due to allergens found in food, one can safely assume that the airplane acted negligently, putting you or your family at risk of health complications. By filing an airplane food allergy lawsuit, you will be able to recover money damages which can encompass things like medical expenses, lost wages, travel expenses, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life and so much more.

Need more clarity on the potential value of your airplane food allergy lawsuit? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.