USPS FERS Disability Secrets Revealed – Safeguard and See if You Qualify for Compensation Here

Injured or sick USPS workers, or any other federal workers for that matter who may find themselves unable to work, may be able to apply for a program known as FERS disability compensation. This program provides a monthly compensation to permanently injured or unwell federal workers who may find it impossible to continue working as a result of their injuries, if they are approved.
FERS disability compensation is made possible by the Office of Personnel Management or OPM as mandated by regulations found in FECA, a legal Act which was passed at the turn of last century. However, there is a lot of mystery and misconceptions about this program as a lot of injured federal workers more often than not join internet forums and social media groups in order to find informal assistance where information may not be accurate when it comes to their circumstances, which may see them wasting precious time and resources they may not presently have.
It is important to work with an experienced FERS disability compensation attorney in order to lock in on your benefits as early as possible as well as prevent a denial which often occurs due to self-representation on account of lack of knowledge of the process by the average federal worker when it comes to all things federal compensation, and we’re here to help with that, as well as shine a light on the truth about the program.
Get The Legal Help You Need!
Are you looking for a FERS disability compensation attorney? For close to three decades, the experienced federal workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured federal workers seek, increase and retain their right to compensation after suffering an injury on the job.
Whether you’re a member of the USPS, an employee of the Department of Veterans’ Services, work in Border and Customs Police, or are in any federal agency and you suffered a permanent injury or fell sick due to occupational exposure, or your chronic condition was worsened by work factors, you may be entitled to substantial financial compensation as long as you’re able to demonstrate causation. We serve all injured federal workers countrywide, and we run a bilingual office (hablamos Español).
If you’re unable to return to work as an injured federal worker, early retirement may be possible by way of FERS disability compensation. For more information or to see if you qualify, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE legal consultation: our intake team is standing by.
FERS Disability Compensation – What’s the Truth, and Where’s the Lie?
Here are some myths that just can’t seem to die that most injured workers may encounter online:
Myth: FERS disability compensation is the same as regular retirement
This couldn’t be further from the truth, but we can see why individuals would think this way given the fact that one may have to go into “early retirement” on account of their injury or occupational illness. However, what sets FERS disability compensation program apart is the fact that you do not need to be medically incapable of working all jobs, you simply must be medically incapable of working the job you were hired to do.
This requires a medical condition must be present in order for you to qualify, and you must prove that this condition or injury is so disabling that you cannot perform your normal job duties. However, there is no minimum age requirement. Regular retirement, on the other hand, kicks in at a certain age, or if you’ve accumulated enough service time.
Myth: FERS Disability Benefits are Permanent and Guaranteed
There is a common misconception that once one is approved for FERS disability compensation, they’re on the gravy train for life. However, it allows periodic medical assessments during your receipt of these benefits in order to determine if you’re still unwell, and still require compensation for your injuries or illness. If it is determined that you’ve made significant improvement, your benefits may be terminated.
In addition, if it is determined that you are able to return to work, your compensation may be stopped. To this end, you must make sure that you’re on top of your medicals as well as adhere to medical treatment, and communicate with your healthcare provider on a regular basis to prevent any surprises around your compensation.
Myth: The Process is Fast and Easy
Ask anyone you know that works in government, and they’ll tell you that the wheels of government move slowly, and annoyingly so. If you scour internet forums and social media groups, you’ll see dozens of individuals say that their process took a couple of weeks to a month to qualify for FERS disability benefits.
This couldn’t be further from the truth, however, on account of the papers, medical exams and constant communication one will have to enter into with the various agencies as their details are confirmed and cross-checked. Medical examinations may take a couple of weeks to be finished as diagnostic tests must be performed, and waiting for approval in and of itself may take months, and may be delayed due to OPM requesting additional information.
Best FERS Disability Compensation Attorneys – Contact Us Today!
FERS disability benefits are your inalienable right as an injured or sick USPS worker if you meet the criteria. However, just because the program exists doesn’t mean you automatically qualify for it. OPM wants to make sure that your injury or health condition is causing you to be unable to perform your job duties so that no frivolous claims pass through their system, and because of this, the process may move slower.
That being said, working with our legal team can help you discover shortcuts as well as cut on some of these wait times as we’ll help your medical experts, make sure your paperwork is accurately completed the first time round, and that any concerns from OPM are handled in a timely and efficient manner.
Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to take on this process by yourself: call us NOW at 312-444-0214 so we can guide you through the process and benefit from our decades of experience handling FERS disability compensation claims. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.