When Whiplash Strikes: Compensation Options for USPS Workers Injured in Auto Accidents

USPS last mile workers form the lifeblood of the postal system, and nothing would move without them. Responsible for making sure that mail and packages reach your porch, mailbox or steps, they brave the elements and aggressive animals and people to do their job each day. USPS workers are often pushed to the limit in order to meet certain daily quotas and maintain efficiency, and this can impact their attention and cognition.
To this end, it is not uncommon for USPS workers to get into auto accidents as they try to keep up with the demands of an often unreasonable manager. Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries in the country, and various parts of the body can be affected. The back and spinal cord is particularly vulnerable to injury, and phenomena such as whiplash can affect a person’s ability to walk, sit and carry out their work duties, necessitating treatment and recovery.
It is important to note that thanks to the FECA law, all injured federal workers are eligible for compensation as long as one is able to demonstrate causation. That said, just because this law exists doesn’t mean that it will be easy to recover compensation. The process is notorious for bureaucracy, unnecessary delays and sometimes, outright denials. It is for this reason that you will need an experienced USPS injury lawyer in order to secure your compensation in as little time as possible, and we’re here to help with that.
Hire a Federal Workers’ Compensation Attorney From Our Firm
Are you looking for a Federal Workers’ Compensation attorney? If you were in a car accident involving your van and another car on the way to deliver mail and packages to clients, you may be eligible for compensation. For over two decades, the experienced attorneys at McCready Law have helped injured USPS last mile workers get the compensation they need in order to seek medical treatment, replace their lost wages, access rehabilitation services, and in some cases, attend retraining courses so they can seek employment in other sectors of the economy.
We serve all injured USPS last mile workers countrywide, and we run a bilingual office (hablamos Español). For your 100% FREE consultation, please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your options for compensation – our experienced USPS injured workers’ attorneys are standing by.
USPS Workers More Prone to Injuries After Auto Accidents
While USPS vehicles may be efficient, they offer little protection in the event one were to be involved in an auto accident. These vans often lack advanced safety features and this, coupled with the confined cabin space, make it so USPS workers are prone to spinal trauma should an accident occur. Collisions can make the neck and back hyper-flex, hyper-rotate and hyperextend, whipping the head and back and forth in a violent manner, causing a phenomenon called whiplash.
Common Symptoms of Whiplash
Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash include:
- Headaches
- Neck stiffness and pain
- Upper back and shoulder pain
- Reduced neck range of motion
- Numbness or tingling in one’s arms
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Poor concentration
Severe whiplash may lead to the following symptoms:
- Blurred vision
- Tinnitus or ringing in one’s ears
- Anxiety and depression
- Sleep disturbances
- Memory issues
Complications arising out of whiplash due to accidents may linger for weeks, months or years, affecting your quality of life and in some cases, making it virtually impossible for you to perform your duties effectively as an USPS last mile worker. Left untreated, whiplash becomes a degenerative and chronic condition which may lead to some form of disability.
Diagnosing Whiplash Injuries in USPS Workers
Diagnosing whiplash injuries includes a physical exam where a healthcare provider will take a look at your muscle strength, range of motion, reflexes and touch sensitivity in areas such as your upper back, neck, back and shoulders. Neurological tests may also be ordered if you experience any weakness, tingling and numbness in your arms.
Imaging tests are also essential for whiplash victims as they will show the underlying damage in a more comprehensive, concrete manner. X-rays for example will show any structural abnormalities such as fractures and dislocations. MRI scans on the other hand will show the presence of soft tissue injuries such as ligament sprains, muscle tears and herniated discs.
In some instances, you may receive diagnostic injections which are a series of numbing injections in order to figure out the exact location of your pain. A local anesthetic is typically injected around specific cluster of nerve roots, spinal location or joints in order to determine if they are the source of your symptoms.
Whiplash Treatment for Injured USPS Workers in Auto Accidents
Treating whiplash injuries often includes a multi-pronged approach, and can mean an extended amount of time off work in order to fully recover. You may need to wear a cervical collar or neck brace to immobilize this particular area so that the affected soft tissues can start to recover. You may also need to limit your movements in general to enhance recovery.
The pain and resultant inflammation associated with USPS whiplash injuries is typically treated via the administration of a combination of medication such as:
- Muscle relaxants to reduce muscle spasms
- Anti-seizure medication and antidepressants to manage neuropathic pain
- NSAIDs such as naproxen and ibuprofen for pain management
- Steroid injections which will target specific areas which show inflammation
USPS last mile workers who suffer whiplash may also need to undergo physical therapy in order to relearn and restore range of motion, strength and flexibility in the affected areas. Stretching exercises, heat/cold therapy, manual manipulation, massage and electrical stimulation will go a long way in helping to speed up recovery.
Experienced Injured USPS Worker Lawyers Involved in Auto Accidents – Call NOW!
Due to the severity of whiplash injuries and the potential for these injuries to morph into serious and sometimes permanent health complications, it is important to seek out the services of an experienced USPS last mile worker injury law firm.
We will help you gather all the necessary medical evidence, connect you to physicians who understand how to write injured federal worker medical reports, liaise with OWCP on your behalf so you can focus on recovery, and make sure the compensation you receive is commensurate to your injuries. Please reach out to us NOW at 312-444-0214 for more information on auto accident compensation for injured postal workers. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.