Survive The Burn and Fight Back – How USPS Last Mile Workers Can Receive Compensation for Heat-Related Illnesses

USPS last mile workers have to contend with various forms of extreme weather including scorching heat while delivering mail and packages to hundreds of thousands of homes across the country. Working in blaring heat can have numerous negative effects, and it is important that workers pace themselves, stay out of the sun for an extended amount of time as well as stay hydrated in order to escape some of the complications associated with prolonged sun exposure.
USPS last mile workers, by virtue of being bona fide federal workers, are eligible for compensation in the event that they get injured or fall sick from the performance of duty thanks to legislation laid down by FECA, a piece of law that was passed back in 1916 outlining how these workers ought to get compensated, a list of the approved injuries or illnesses, which forms to fill, and how to appeal should their application for compensation get denied.
USPS has been caught arbitrarily firing last mile USPS workers for reporting injuries, so it is vital that you retain the services of a highly skilled and experienced attorney in order to protect your rights as well as access timely compensation going forward.
Get Experienced Representation
Are you looking for a dedicated Federal Workers’ Compensation lawyer? For close to three decades, the experienced USPS federal workers’ compensation attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of individuals just like you apply for, receive, and maintain compensation after suffering an injury while working for the federal government.
Heat-related illnesses can be catastrophic, and you may need time to seek treatment and recover due to their associated complications: don’t try to go it alone; let us help you process your claim, maintain an open line of communication with OWCP on your behalf, and make sure that your medical forms are appropriately filed in a timely manner.
Wherever you are in the country, we can help: please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 if you’re a USPS last mile worker that suffered health complications due to extreme heat exposure while at work. The call is 100% FREE, and one of our federal workers’ compensation attorneys are standing by.
Postal Inferno – Heat, Mail and USPS Last Mile Workers
USPS last mile workers may be exposed to extreme heat during hot summer months, or if they’re working in historically hot states such as Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. While some of the OSHA requirements, when it comes to this job, implore employers to install A/C in worker’s vans, this rarely happens.
In addition, many managers push USPS last mile workers to meet certain daily quotas in order to maintain a certain level of productivity regardless of the temperatures outside which may not be realistic. USPS last mile workers may be particularly prone to extreme heat exposure if their routes feature densely packed urban areas which have been known to trap heat and exacerbate heat-related illnesses. In addition, rural areas may be dotted with very few trees, which can intensify the heat and the sun, creating scenes akin to a Hollywood blockbuster for all the wrong reasons.
Why USPS Workers are Prone to Heat-Related Illnesses
While USPS provides its workers with protective clothing such as vests and hats, they are more often than not inadequate when it comes to protecting workers in heat waves. In addition, the lack of cooling mechanisms such as AC or access to shade can further expose these workers to heat-related conditions.
Some workers on the other hand may have underlying health issues such as cardiovascular or respiratory conditions which can make them more likely to suffer heat stroke due to an inability to maintain homeostasis.
Common Heat-related Conditions Experienced by USPS Last Mile Workers
Some of the most common heat-related conditions experienced by USPS last mile workers include:
Heat Stroke
This refers to a condition which involves the body’s failure to regulate its temperature, leading to a rise in one’s core temperature to over 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Common symptoms include nausea, rapid heartbeat, an inability to sweat and dry and hot skin. Left untreated, heat stroke may lead to seizures, coma, organ damage and even death. USPS workers who suffer heat stroke may have to contend with neurological damage which may be permanent, and rehabilitation which may be costly.
Heat Exhaustion
This is a milder variant of heat stroke, and its workers may experience high core temperature of between 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, excessive sweating, or a feeling of fatigue. Headaches, muscle cramps, dizziness, clammy, pale skin and nausea can all be present in sufferers of heat exhaustion. USPS workers who don’t seek timely treatment may see a progression of this condition to heat stroke.
Heat Cramps
These are muscle spasms which tend to be painful, typically affecting the arms, abdomen or legs, and are due to electrolyte loss on account of excessive sweating. Symptoms include involuntary muscle contractions, muscle pain and an inability to maneuver the affected muscle or limb. Heat cramps may not lead to serious health complications, but they can set the stage for heat exhaustion.
Are USPS Last Mile Workers Eligible for Compensation for Heat Stroke?
According to OWCP, you may be eligible for compensation if you suffered heat stroke, heat exhaustion or other heat-related illnesses if you sustained these complications while out on your route delivering mail or packages, and if your medical report shows clear causation.
For this kind of injury or illness, one can recover medical expenses, lost wages if you had to leave work in order to recover from your heat-related illness, permanent disability if for example you developed permanent neurological complications, or vocational rehabilitation to help you find appropriate employment if you’re unable to work due to complications of your condition.
Experienced Postal Worker Injury Attorneys For Heat Stroke Claims – Call Us Today!
While this may seem like a breeze in the park, OWCP is known for denying claims due to flimsy reasons, and they may not take your claim seriously compared to, someone who broke their arm, suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident and so on.
It’s because of these and other reasons that you’ll need timely legal representation so you can adeptly navigate the red tape surrounding OWCP and the Department of Labor as it relates to USPS last mile worker compensation. Please, give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE consultation into all things compensation for USPS workers who have suffered heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses. Thank you for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.