
To Share or Not to Share – How Social Media May Jeopardize Your FERS Disability Claim

Just about everyone and their grandmother is on social media these days, and billions of individuals share the littlest things about their lives with virtual friends and family alike in an effort to find some type of meaningful connection and share their happiest or saddest moments. While social media has been a boon when it comes to connecting people, it has also led to innumerable misunderstandings, the breakdown of friendships, relationships, and marriages, and even torn whole countries apart. Social media shows no signs of slowing down, and it would be interesting to witness its evolution into either an integral part of our daily life or a relic we should have left in the past a long time ago. As an injured postal worker or federal worker for that matter, you may use social media from time to time for entertainment, to reach out to friends and family alike, or you may just want to offload what you may be going through emotionally. That said, if you’re receiving or are planning to apply and receive FERS disability benefits, social media can absolutely torpedo your plans and even have your benefits revoked, and we’re here to help you legally navigate not only this medium but your claims process as well to ensure maximum compensation.

Are you looking for a FERS disability benefits attorney? For close to 30 years, the experienced federal workers’ compensation attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured federal workers just like you get the justice and compensation they are owed after either getting injured or contracting an occupational illness while working for the federal government, McCready Law is a best federal workers’ compensation law firm with a difference because not only do we serve all injured federal workers nationally, but we also run a bilingual office (Hablamos Espanol). It is important to note that these cases are timely in nature, and your medical assessment and report carry a considerable amount of weight when it comes to your eligibility for FERS disability benefits acceptance. Let us help connect you with experienced healthcare providers so your medical reports are beyond reproach when it comes to establishing causation, and let us assist you in the timely filing of all your forms so you are able to receive your benefits. Regardless of where you are in the country, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation into all things federal worker’s compensation – the call is 100% FREE, and there is absolutely no legal obligation: our intake team is standing by.

Be Purposeful When Posting Anything Online – Injured Federal Workers

As an injured federal worker, you really have to move purposefully when you post anything online. This is because an innocent and innocuous post may be construed as something else by individuals who do not have the context or understand the nuances behind said post. Your posts may also be used against you in a disability claim review and may be the justification OPM needs you to discontinue your benefits.

OPM Claims Adjusters are Always Watching

OPM claims adjusters are tasked with legitimizing your claim and making sure that you deserve your FERS disability benefits. They will review your documentation, which typically includes personal statements, employment history, and medical records, and may even go as far as incorporating social media reviews in this process. They will, for instance, examine public profiles and posts for better insight into your injuries and state of mind. They ideally are looking for evidence that either affirms or contradicts your claims as indicated in your FERS disability benefits application. For instance, if you indicated in your application that your hearing was considerably affected and then you share videos or photos of you enjoying a loud concert at your local town hall or park, your credibility as it relates to your claim may be on the line.

OPM claims adjusters aren’t out here denying or terminating benefits left, right, and center, even though it may look or feel like it. Government resources are often stretched thin, and the role of these adjusters is to make sure that no one is misusing resources and that those that really deserve them are receiving these benefits.

Social Media Privacy Settings Offer a False Sense of Security

Even though privacy settings may be a lifeline when it comes to controlling who sees what on your social media profiles, there are ways of getting around this, and most people aren’t that measured or detail-oriented when it comes to keeping all their online activity private. For instance, you may lock your Facebook profile but then indicate family members in your application for FERS disability benefits, and these individuals may have their profiles wide open for the whole world to access, and one photo or video tag may be all that’s needed for OPM claims adjusters to glean information on your current health state to terminate or adjust your benefits.

Attention Injured Postal Workers – The Internet Lives on Forever

It is also important to note that everything shared on the internet has a permanence to it. Even if you delete a post, someone may have already screenshotted it without your knowledge, and forensic investigators have the skills needed to dig up deleted data depending on the circumstances and the need for said data. When posting online as an injured federal worker, it is important that you exercise restraint even if you may feel the need to emotionally offload your thoughts or share something exciting. It is prudent for you to join support groups and community organizations where you’ll be able to share what you need without fearing that someone may be capturing this information.

Experienced, Compassionate FERS Disability Benefits Lawyers – Call Us Today!

Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) disability benefits can help pay for your medical care, living expenses, vocational rehabilitation services, as well as job protection should you discover you’re able to work, albeit in a limited capacity. Do not let social media shatter these plans and lock you out of receiving the benefits you deserve. If you’re a new applicant, we’d love to help you get the benefits you need in as little time as possible. Please reach out to us at 312-444-0214 so we can assess your current circumstances and advise you on the best steps to take to secure your FERS disability benefits. Please note that this consultation is 100% FREE, and there are no legal obligations. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.