
Qualifying for Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Injury Benefits as a USPS Worker

USPS last mile workers use their entire bodies due to the physically demanding nature of their jobs, and as such, may be prone to injuries that most of us wouldn’t even think about. The arms are used excessively during the mail sorting, van loading and delivery of packages and as such, it is not uncommon to suffer wrist or elbow injuries due to these repetitive movements.

One such injury or syndrome is cubital tunnel syndrome where the ulnar nerve which is found in the elbow region becomes inflamed and entrapped due to repetitive movements, leading to pain and an inability to completely flex the elbow. Left untreated, the syndrome can develop into numbness, tingling and swelling which does not improve over time. Cubital tunnel syndrome may qualify you for USPS federal workers’ compensation, but the medical evidence demonstrating causation is of prime importance.

It is also vital that you inform your supervisor that you suspect something is wrong with your elbow in a timely manner so you can start the injury reporting process as well as ensure that there are no doubts regarding whether or not your injuries actually occurred. Due to the complex nature of the federal workers’ compensation process for last mile USPS workers, it is vital to work with an attorney who can clarify as well as expedite the process so you can sit and focus on healing, something we would be honored to assist you with.

Are you looking for a best federal workers’ compensation lawyer for injured postal workers? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced last mile injured postal worker attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table close to three decades of experience helping injured postal workers get the compensation they deserve in order to seek the medical treatment as well as take care of financial obligations as they heal from their injuries.

We are committed to making sure that all our clients receive compensation, so we take a hands-on approach in making sure that your application information is complete, we handle communication with OWCP on your behalf, we ensure that you see physicians who are conversant with the OWCP requirements when it comes to writing down medical reports as well as demonstrating causation, and we handle any denials as well as request for and attend any appeals hearings on your behalf.

At McCready Law, we understand and appreciate the fact that this is a difficult time for you financially and as such, we would like to announce the introduction of affordable payment plans to all injured USPS postal workers wanting to access our stellar legal services that can be structured on a month-to-month basis so you do not have to worry about legal fees but still get the representation you deserve to receive your federal workers’ compensation benefits.

We serve all injured postal workers countrywide, and we are available to discuss your potential federal workers’ compensation claim at NO COST to you: simply give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation: our intake team is standing by to serve you.

Causes and Symptoms of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment in Injured Federal Workers

Ulnar nerve entrapment is a condition which occurs when the nerve traveling from the neck down to the hand becomes compressed around the elbow.

Common Causes of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment:

  1. Prolonged pressure on the elbow due to leaning on it for an extended amount of time, leading to the compression of the nerve
  2. Direct trauma to the elbow area can lead to pressure and swelling of the ulnar nerve can lead to pressure and swelling of the ulnar nerve
  3. Repetitive movements such as elbow flexion, sorting and lifting mail may lead to nerve trauma and swelling over time

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome in USPS Workers

The term cubital tunnel syndrome refers to the compression of the ulnar nerve as it passes through the cubital tunnel which is found on the inside of the elbow. This tunnel is made of ligaments, bone and muscle, and the swelling of the nerve may produce a pathology that is difficult to resolve on its own, requiring medical attention.

Symptoms of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment in USPS Postal Workers:

  1. Pain or discomfort in the elbow area which radiates down to the hand.
  2. Tingling and numbness in the ring and little finger as the ulnar nerve ends its journey down the arm in this general area
  3. Having difficulty gripping or performing tasks which require finger work such as sorting through mail or carrying packages that may have handles
  4. Increased clumsiness due to having difficulty grasping objects
  5. Muscle wasting or atrophy in the hand due to prolonged nerve compression

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Treatment in Injured Postal Workers

Treatment for cubital nerve syndrome in postal workers may vary depending on the extent and severity of the condition. For most individuals, rest and splitting of the arm or elbow may help prevent further inflammation, jumpstarting the healing process. Physical therapy may also be needed to strengthen muscles in order to improve flexibility, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help manage inflammation and pain.

However, if the individual still doesn’t show any improvement after these treatment modalities, surgery may be needed in order to relieve pressure on the nerve by cutting into and removing the surrounding tissue, and a surgery known as ulnar nerve transposition where the nerve is moved to a different position may help prevent future compression.

Best Federal Workers Compensation Attorneys for Injured USPS Workers – Call Us Today!

Ulnar nerve entrapment may qualify you for federal workers’ compensation as long as you can demonstrate causation, have workers provide witness statements regarding the impact of the condition on your ability or inability to work, as well as filling the necessary forms. If approved, you may qualify for the cost of medical treatment, have lost wages reimbursed, get access to physical therapy and at-home care, and even qualify for disability payments if you suffer long-term impairment.

These cases tend to be complex, so do not go it alone and bungle your chances; instead, give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation into all things federal workers’ compensation for injured USPS workers. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.