Statute of Limitations for Boat Accidents in Chicago

The aftermath of a serious boating accident can feel incredibly chaotic. You likely have a lot to deal with, including medical treatments, your job, and the limitations resulting from your injury. Despite this, if you intend to file a claim for compensation, you must do so before the statute of limitations for boat accidents in Chicago runs out. Contacting a boat accident lawyer as soon as possible could help you understand your rights and ensure you meet the appropriate deadlines to recover compensation for your losses.

What is the Statute of Limitations?

The statute of limitations determines how long you have after an accident to file a claim. After this time has run out, the courts will no longer agree to hear your claim, and you will be unable to pursue compensation for your losses.

The Statute of Limitations in Boat Accident Claims

The statute of limitations for Chicago boat accidents is two years after the date of the wreck. This means that, in most cases, the injured party will need to start the claim process as soon as possible.

Exceptions to the Statute of Limitations in Boat Accidents

Illinois law does allow some exceptions and extensions to the statute of limitations. A knowledgeable lawyer from McCready Law could help identify potential exceptions that may apply to your case and assist injured individuals in filing a claim, even in cases where the initial statute of limitations may have passed.

Injury to a Minor

The most common exception to the statute of limitations in Chicago boat accident cases applies when a minor suffers injury in the accident. In this situation, the statute of limitations is tolled, or paused, until the minor reaches the age of 18. Minors who suffer injuries have until they turn 20 to pursue compensation for the damages they suffered after a boat wreck.

Late Discovery of Injuries

In some cases, the injured party may not realize they have suffered injuries in a boat accident or may not realize the severity of their injuries until well after the initial accident. In this case, the Chicago statute of limitations for boat accidents is tolled until the point of discovery.

The Liable Party Leaves the State

If the liable party leaves the state after a boat accident, leaving them inaccessible to the injured party, the statute of limitations may be paused until they return. In many cases, this offers the injured individual more time to move forward with their claim.

Mental Impairment or Disability

In some instances, injured individuals may suffer such severe impairment that they cannot reasonably move forward with an injury claim, such as in the case of a traumatic brain injury. In these situations, the statute of limitations may be tolled until the injury no longer prevents the injured party from filing a claim.

Discuss the Statute of Limitations for Chicago Boat Accidents with a Lawyer

If you suffered injuries in a boat accident, discuss the statute of limitations for boat accidents in Chicago with a lawyer, even if you think the time has run out. A seasoned lawyer could identify exceptions and exemptions that make it possible for you to move forward with a claim despite the time that has passed. At McCready Law, we strive to help injured individuals recover fair compensation despite deadlines. Contact us today for your free consultation.