
Help, I Got Burned Working at a Restaurant! What are My Legal Options for Compensation?

Restaurant workers form a vital part of the American economy, particularly in the age of mobile phones and apps where everyone is ordering out from their favorite restaurants which has seen the service industry make massive profits, but also deal with cases of workers being pushed to their limits as well as safety protocols ignored just so the restaurant in question can make a profit.

Burn injuries at restaurants aren’t your regular types of burns, particularly due to the fact that a lot of fires causing burns happen to be grease fires which have been documented to be hotter than your average fire. Burns sustained by restaurant workers tend to be severe and are often classified as third-degree burns which reach all the way down to the nerves and muscle, causing scarring and lasting physical damage.

According to the law, restaurant managers owe their workers a duty of care to keep them safe while carrying out their duties, and are required under OSHA regulations to ensure that workers are aware of all safety protocols in order to prevent fires from even occurring in the first place, and provide services that can mitigate and minimize injuries of this nature should they occur. Should a fire injury occur at a restaurant anywhere in the kitchen, it can be surmised that some form of negligence was the proximate cause, as nothing really occurs spontaneously due to the law of cause and effect.

To this end, restaurant worker burns must be investigated to determine the breach of duty of care that occurred as well as ensure that injured parties are compensated, even if it means filing a third party claim due to the insufficient nature of workers’ compensation claims. If you sustained catastrophic burns working at a restaurant, you need timely legal assistance to protect your right to justice and compensation, something we would be glad to assist you with so you can rebuild your life.

Are you looking for the best restaurant worker burn injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced burn injury attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience where we’ve recovered over $260 million for our clients who come from an array of social backgrounds as well as all over the country. At McCready Law, we are committed to realizing the best results for our clients, even if it means litigating cases to the fullest extent of the law, as this is often the only way in which we can recover maximum compensation that is commensurate with the damages our clients are seeking and duly deserve.

By contrast, most law firms simply engage the insurance company in settlement negotiations which often leads to paltry payouts due to the skewed balance of power, leaving the client in financial ruin. In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our team of carefully vetted referral law firms and attorneys, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español), and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of the claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.

If you suffered burn injuries while working at a restaurant, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by.

Burn injuries in restaurants are often connected to food preparation, and can range from minor burns to life-threatening third degree burns.

Common Causes of Burn Injuries in Restaurants

Grease Fires

These are caused by the ignition of cooking oils with low flash points, causing rapid fires once oils reach high temperatures. Due to the high combustibility of cooking oils, the fires that result can spread quickly and even engulf the kitchen in flames in jut a few seconds.

Hot Surfaces

Cooking in a kitchen will leave surfaces hot for a considerable amount of time in appliance such as grills, ovens and stovetops. The intense heat from these appliances can lead to severe burns if workers don’t have safety protocols in place they can follow.

Lack of Training

An informed individual is a safe individual, and nowhere is this true as in a restaurant kitchen setting. Workers must be trained on how to handle cooking equipment as well as what to do when a grease fire occurs in order to protect themselves. In addition, if there are no safety as well as warning instructions on appliances as well as around the kitchen, workers won’t know to practice a reasonable level of caution in order to avoid any mishaps.

Is Workers’ Compensation Sufficient for Injured Restaurant Workers?

While workers’ compensation kicks in automatically when a restaurant worker suffers injuries, the benefits provided are more often than not sufficient to fully cover the damages linked to severe injuries such as third-degree burns. In addition, workers’ compensation usually does not cover non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, which are just as valid as the cost of medical care and lost wages damages.

Filing a third party claim is therefore the right thing to do in these cases as this provides the injured restaurant worker to recover a more substantial compensation amount as well as go after third parties such as contractors responsible for fitting the kitchen with safety features and so on. Severe and catastrophic injuries such as third-degree burns sustained by restaurant workers will require ongoing treatment, surgeries and support, and by filing a third-party claim, one may be able to address every facet of the injury from a financial aspect.

Best Restaurant Burn Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!

If you sustained burn injuries as a restaurant worker, ensure to speak to management immediately after the incident so an incident report can be written up. In addition, go to the ER even if you feel somewhat fine as you’ll require proof of injury in order to pursue a claim, and do not sign anything or talk to the insurance company before speaking with us. please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.