Aurora Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Though the Illinois Department of Transportation provides clear guidelines to motorists regarding the safety of pedestrians, accidents still occur that lead to serious injuries and even fatalities. Most pedestrian accidents happen because of distracted or careless driving.

The seriousness of these incidents calls for legal action. Even if you don’t initially appear injured, injured parties should contact an Aurora pedestrian accident lawyer if any vehicle strikes them. Many injuries and conditions do not become apparent for days after the initial accident. An experienced personal injury attorney knows how to investigate the accident and thoroughly review the evidence, holding the liable party accountable.

What Causes Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrians should always pay close attention to their surroundings and anticipate careless drivers. But despite the best efforts of people walking nearby or crossing the street, accidents still happen. Some common reasons these incidents occur include the following:

  • Damaged or obstructed sidewalks that lead to walking on the road
  • Failure of the driver to heed the right-of-way to the pedestrian
  • Inclement weather causing poor visibility and hazardous conditions
  • Intoxicated driving
  • Speeding and reckless driving

Person standing in a crosswalk

Injuries Experienced by People Hit by Cars

The injuries experienced by the victims of pedestrian accidents vary from minor bruises to those that result in permanent disability or even death. The severity of these injuries will generally depend on the speed of the driver and the force of the impact on the person. Examples of serious injuries include amputations, broken bones, paralysis, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Injured pedestrians need to contact an Aurora attorney to help identify liability and make the case for damages.

Liability in Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are at a severe disadvantage of they are struck by a motor vehicle. Drivers must legally watch for and yield to all pedestrians, especially in vulnerable situations such as those crossing the street in unmarked crosswalks, joggers, those using electric scooters, and those pushing strollers or riding bicycles. Drivers also must take care and watch for pedestrians and bicyclists when making turns in an intersection and before proceeding at a flashing red light.

A pedestrian injury attorney could review the details of an Aurora accident to determine the level of liability for both the driver and the pedestrian, and offer legal advice accordingly.

Steps to Take If Someone Has Been Injured

Pedestrians involved in an accident should follow the steps outlined here in order to protect their health and their legal claim:

  • Seek medical attention immediately. Even if you think you’re okay, serious problems could surface hours or days later.
  • Call 911 to contact the police and medical assistance.
  • Collect information from the driver such as insurance and contact details.
  • Document the scene of the accident through notes and photography.
  • Contact a pedestrian accident attorney. Your lawyer will consider medical bills, missed wages, and pain and suffering while working toward your settlement.

Get Help From an Aurora Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Founded in 1999, McCready Law has awarded more than a quarter of a billion dollars for its clients. Countless testimonials speak to the dedication of our legal team, which ensures accident victims receive the settlement they deserve to get their lives back on track. McCready Law also contributes generously to the community and supports many charitable causes.

People who are looking to be compensated should contact us for a no-obligation consultation. We only charge a fee when you receive a settlement or verdict.