Aurora Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Getting injured on the job can have a profound impact on your life. Time away from work can create financial struggles due to lost salary and medical expenses. Workers’ compensation benefits can provide relief in a tough situation.

Even though workers’ compensation may seem straightforward, contacting an Aurora workers’ compensation lawyer can help ensure you receive benefits to help you through a difficult time. A dedicated personal injury attorney could aid in your understanding of when to file a claim, what injuries are protected by law, and what benefits are available.

Workers’ Compensation Filing Deadlines

An attorney in Aurora with knowledge of workers’ compensation laws can help a client navigate important deadlines. After an accident or sickness happens because of the workplace, workers should report their claim as soon as possible. The first step an employee must take is to report the injury to their employer.

These incidents must be reported to an employer within 45 days of the accident or diagnosis of illness. The deadline extends to 90 days in cases of suspected radiation poisoning, but an employee must notify their employer to receive benefits.

Once an employer is properly alerted, the employee must file their claim before the statute of limitations expires.

The statute of limitations, or deadline, for filing a claim is three years from the date of injury or diagnosis. When employees have already received benefits from an incident, they have two years to file from the last time those benefits came. The deadline to file a claim is extended to 25 years in case of contact with radioactive or asbestos materials.

Worker holding machinery

Workers’ Compensation and Injuries

An Aurora workers’ compensation attorney could provide clarity about which injuries and illnesses are covered under state law. There must be a connection between the harm and work responsibilities. Some examples include:

  • Workplace accidents, including falls while working
  • Worsening of pre-existing health conditions
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals or materials
  • Repetitive motion injuries caused by an employee performing the same physical movements over a long period

While these are a few examples, an attorney can help identify other work-related injuries. Some injuries are not protected under state law, like harm extending from criminal behavior or an employee’s poor personal conduct, or those that occur when not performing work responsibilities.

Benefits Under Workers’ Compensation

A lawyer handling workers’ compensation cases in Aurora could help a claimant better understand the benefits available. Workers’ compensation could give financial support when a worker needs assistance. These benefits can include:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical costs, like doctor’s bills
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Death benefits for surviving family

Disability is available when an employee is unable to return to work for a short period or full-time. When a worker cannot return to work immediately, temporary total and temporary partial disability benefits are available. An employee receives temporary total disability when they are unable to return to work while recovering. They can receive partial disability benefits if they return to work for fewer hours.

A seriously injured employee could qualify for permanent total and permanent partial disability benefits. Permanent total disability is reserved for seriously injured employees who can never return to work. Permanent partial disability is available to those who have sustained severe harm but can work a reduced amount.

Talk to a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Aurora Today

In the wake of a workplace accident, the next steps may be unclear. An Aurora workers’ compensation lawyer can help make sense of the law, from deadlines to available benefits.

Connect with us today. The quicker the process starts, the sooner you could receive benefits.