Experienced Dairy Queen Injury Attorneys – File Your Claim Today

Whether you’re in the mood for a shake, a burger, drinks, coffee or a sandwich and ice cream, Dairy Queen has it all. This casual dining and drive-thru spot has been an American favorite for decades on account of the delicious, family-friendly meals as well as the accessibility of the restaurants around the country, where there’s at least one Dairy Queen around the corner in every major city and town. Whether you want to sit down and have your meal at one of their restaurants or order ahead and do curbside pickup, Dairy Queen accommodates all manner of customers. That said, due to its popularity, it’s not uncommon to go to your local Dairy Queen and realize that it’s packed to the rafters at any given time during the day. Because of this, injuries are more likely to happen, and it doesn’t help matters that Dairy Queen restaurants are understaffed. You are owed something called duty of care which is a principle under premises liability law, a part of personal injury law which states that the owner of an establishment owes you a duty of care to ensure that you are kept safe while at their premises by ensuring that it is free of hazards. Should you get injured, it can be largely assumed that some form of negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries, and that you may be entitled to money damages, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best Dairy Queen injury lawyer? Please call us NOW at (773) 673-9861 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. the experienced restaurant and fast-food injury attorneys at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get compensated after getting injured on account of the negligent actions of other individuals or large corporations. What makes McCready Law unique, however, is the fact that we are not afraid to litigate, as seen in the over 70 cases we’ve successfully tried and won in court. This is important as litigation will get the client twice, or even thrice what the insurance company is willing to offer as compensation, a practice that most law firms don’t have experience with. In addition to having a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol), all cases are personally handled by experienced attorneys, and not paralegals. Lastly, we take on cases on contingency fee basis, which means that there are NO UPFRONT FEES during any stage in the processing of your case. Regardless of your current location in the country, we can help: simply call us NOW at (773) 673-9861 to learn more – the call is 100% FREE!
Here are some of the ways in which you may get injured at a Dairy Queen:
- You may slip and fall on their floors due to leftover ice cream or soda
- You may get burned by a waiter spilling hot food or coffee on your on account of distractedness
- You may get attacked at a dark section of the parking lot due to inadequate security
- You may fall at the parking lot due to cracked or unrepaired pavement
Experienced Dairy Queen Injury Attorneys – Call Us NOW!
It is important that you go to the ER for medical care after getting injured at a Dairy Queen. Even if you feel fine, you may have sustained injuries that can only been seen via imaging technology. After getting treatment, call us at (773) 673-9861 so we can take a look at your claim and help you get started on the road to compensation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.