
A Guide on How to File a Lawsuit for Facial Trauma After an Accident

Facial injuries usually involve fractures and broken bones, and are seen in car accident lawsuits as well as slip and fall claims. These usually need prompt medical attention due to the risk of permanent neurological damage, intracranial bleeding, respiratory distress, infections and so on. These types of injuries are usually called maxillofacial injuries and involve the jaw, nose, chin, cheekbones, eye sockets and so on.

Are you looking for a facial fructures attorney? If you were in an truck accident that wasn’t your fault, or you slipped and fell at a restaurant leading to you suffering facial injuries and fractures, we can help. Please call 1 (773) 825-3547 to speak with the best injury attorneys to learn more about your legal options for compensation. We’ve put our skills to work for people just like you for over 700 years, and we’d love to put this extensive experience as well as our resources to work for you. Please call 1 (773) 825-3547 to speak to fracture injury attorneys NOW to learn more about your legal options for your compensation.

How Do Facial Fractures Happen?

During an Illinois slip and fall event or a truck accident, the face is usually the most exposed part of your body. Even when you instinctively shield your face from a fall or the impact and resultant debris and shrapnel associated with a car crash, gravity, momentum as well as hard surfaces can exert opposing forces that your face will not be able to absorb and redistribute to mitigate impact. To this end, most individuals suffer soft tissue facial trauma injuries which typically affect the outer layer of the face, comprising of muscles, nerves, skin and fat. Hard tissue injuries, on the other hand, occur when structures such as skull and face bones sustain some form of trauma.

Facial fractures after an injury event can be divided into the following:

  • Frontal bone fractures which affect the part of your bone that protect the frontal lobes. Due to the curvature of the frontal bone, these types of fractures may result in complex health issues such as mucoceles and meningitis.
  • Orbital fractures, on the other hand, usually affect the hollow depressions that house the eyes. There are up to 7 bones in the orbital area, meaning that fractures in this area may be complex and may involve a degree of vision loss.
  • Nasal fractures usually affect the nose which, suffers fractures in most facial fractures after an injury even, and may lead to an inability to breathe as well as cool the body and brain down.

Attorneys for Facial Trauma After an Accident – Call Us Now!

Facial trauma injuries are usually complex, since there are not only physical, but social and psychological after-effects, and must be looked over by a best slip and fall attorney, or a truck accident lawyer. In some cases, injured individuals may be left with permanent scars and disfigurement, ushering in social image, self-esteem and identity issues. Facial fracture lawsuits may qualify you for a whole range of damages such as lost wages, legal fees, treatment costs, pain and suffering, cost of repairing your vehicle or replacing it, and so on. Need to talk to someone about your facial trauma lawsuit? Call us NOW1 (773) 825-3547 for your 100% FREE consultation into these claims. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.