
Apartment Fatalities: Addressing Compensation Issues for Affected Families

Close to 40 million Americans live in apartments due to a number of reasons such as the affordable cost, access to major towns and metro areas as well as not wanting to manage large properties. Apartment living is convenient and suitable for young professionals who may not want to make the long commute to work given the abundance of apartment options within a stone’s throw distance to most major metro areas all around the country.

While apartment living may seem easy, fun and convenient, it is not without its caveats. The issue of safety often comes up, and injuries at shared tenant properties can quickly turn serious and lead to fatalities given the right circumstances. As a tenant, the lease lays out the responsibilities of the property owner as well other tenants when it comes to keeping you safe from any injurious hazards as a tenet of premises liability law.

Should you get injured within an apartment block, you may be eligible for compensation if it is discovered that there was a breach of duty of care on the other tenants’ or landlord’s part, and that they acted in a negligent manner. In the event that the injuries led to loss of life, surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death claim for survivor benefits and other forms of compensation.

These cases tend to be nuanced and it may not be easy to determine who can be held liable for injuries sustained at apartment residences if you do not have a grasp of the law. To this end, it is vital that you reach out to an experienced apartment injury and wrongful death law firm in order to discover your legal options for justice and compensation, and we would be glad to help out with this and so much more.

Are you looking for a best apartment injury wrongful death lawyer? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced apartment injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience where we’ve helped tens of thousands of injured Americans across all economic backgrounds all over the country recover compensation after getting injured due to the negligent actions of other individuals and large corporate entities. over the decades, we’ve been able to recover over $260 million in judgments and settlements for our clients in the process.

The secret to our illustrious success and victories in the personal injury field lies in the fact that we are not afraid to litigate should we believe that the client deserves a trial particularly due to the injuries they sustained or the level of negligence meted out by the defendant. Many times, taking a case to court is the only way in which we can recover maximum compensation allowable by the law.

By contrast, most law firms simply engage the insurance company in settlement negotiations which end up in the client receiving a measly fraction of what they would have gotten had the case gone to trial. In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our vast network of referral networks and attorneys, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español) and cases are taken up on contingency fee basis, which simply means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of the claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf.

If you lost a loved due to some form of negligence at their apartment residences, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by,

Legal Responsibilities of Parties Involved in Apartment Injuries and Fatalities

Let’s take a look at the different legal responsibilities of the parties involved in apartment fatalities:

Landlord Duties

  • The landlord is required to maintain common areas such as stairwells, hallways and terraces, ensuring that they are free from hazards. They are required to perform inspections as well as repairs on a regular basis to prevent any injuries from occurring
  • In addition, the landlord is required to comply with safety regulations such as fire safety laws and building codes as failure to do so may expose them to liability in the event of a fatality at the premises.
  • Lastly, the landlord is required to provide security to tenants by way of installing CCTV cameras, ensuring that there is proper lighting, and hiring security staff if needed.

Tenant Obligations

  • Tenants aren’t off the hook when it comes to cases that involve wrongful death at apartment residences. To start with, they are expected to promptly report any unsafe conditions to the property manager or landlord so they may be eligible for legal relief should anything untoward happen.
  • They are also required to use common areas as well as amenities in a responsible manner so as to not create hazards. For instance, blocking fire hazards or placing toys or tools near stairs may lead to situations where other tenants trip and fall or fail to get out of their burning apartment floor in a timely manner.

Property Manager’s Responsibilities

  • The property manager may also be held liable in the event of a wrongful death event at an apartment premises if they fail to carry out inspections and remedy potential hazards before they become problematic and lead to injury and loss of life.
  • They are also required to manage any requests for repairs to ensure that these are promptly resolved in order to prevent accidents.
  • Lastly, they are required to have protocols in place for evacuations or emergencies, and ensure that tenants perform safety drills a few times a year.

Legal Help for Apartment Fatalities – Call Us Today!

A fatality at apartment residences doesn’t just happen out of the blue; more often than not, someone acted in a manner that was negligent, which in turn caused injury and subsequent loss of life. These cases are often complicated by factors such as contractual obligations, comparative negligence, and insurance coverage issues.

Due to these nuances, it is vital that you as surviving family members reach out to us NOW at (314) 481-63338 so we can fully assess the legal claim in order to create a clear plan to help you seek compensation, justice and closure for this unfortunate act. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there are no legal obligations. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.