Applying for FERS Disability Compensation with Comorbid Conditions

The work of a USPS last mile worker is demanding and tiring, and many times, these two factors create an opportunity for heightened risk of injury or the development or worsening of chronic health conditions. USPS workers are an overworked and underappreciated lot, and the high turnover rate for the agency is proof of this. That said, it offers stable employment with predictable salary and benefits, and it’s because of this that many individuals stay on for decades in order to reap the benefits. However, what happens if someone suffers a severe, disabling injury or falls sick to the extent that they can no longer work as a USPS last mile worker? thankfully, the federal government instituted a program decades ago which makes it possible for you to seek out compensation for as long as you are deemed disabled or too unwell to work, with regular health assessments carried out regularly.
The FERS Disability Benefits program is available to all injured or chronically ill federal workers, and it provides a monthly stipend for those who have spent a minimum of 18 years in the USPS and have a compensable claim as evidenced by medical rationale or reports. These claims are handled by officials found in the Office of Personnel Management, and it is their responsibility to determine whether you are eligible for compensation even with an underlying comorbid condition. While this may sound simple to the average first-time applicant, the reality is that the process is mired by red tape and denials, and the forms must be filed in a specific manner as well as within a certain timeframe. In addition, OPM may ask that you provide additional documentation from time to time, and if you lack the resources to find the best experts to corroborate your claim, you may end up getting frustrated by the long wait times or simply denied; it is because of this that you will need an experienced FERS disability compensation attorney to expedite your claim on your behalf as well as avoid any common compensation pitfalls, and we’re here to help you with this and so much more.
Are you looking for a best FERS disability compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced FERS disability compensation lawyers at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured and unwell federal workers just like yourself seek and keep their FERS disability benefits after suffering a disabling injury on the job or developing a chronic illness such as cancer, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, mental health conditions and so on, rendering them unable to work. McCready Law best injured federal worker attorneys understand that this may be a difficult time for you financially as you may have already left work and are at home recovering as you figure out your next step, and because of this, we are proud to announce that we charge a flat hourly rate for our legal services, and our fees must be reviewed by OPM in order to ensure fairness and that they are commensurate with the services you are seeking to procure from us as an injured or physically unwell USPS last mile worker, highlighting transparency and accountability throughout the entire process. If you suffered an injury or fell sick due to a chronic condition as an USPS worker, please give us a call TODAY at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation via a 100% FREE legal consultation with one of our best FERS disability compensation attorneys – our intake team is standing by.
Comorbid Conditions and How They Can Affect USPS Last Mile Workers
Comorbid conditions can be defined as two or more diseases which happen at the same time in a patient. They can run the gamut and include things like chronic pain conditions where one suffers from fibromyalgia and migraines at the same time, or PTSD and depression concurrently, or heart disease and hypertension in concert, or even COPD and asthma together. Chronic illnesses can be complex and multifaceted, and more often than not, an individual diagnosed with one condition will present with a second or even third comorbid condition.
USPS last mile workers may experience a worsening of a comorbid condition due to the demands of their job, and may find it next to impossible to continue working. For instance, a last mile worker with lower chronic back pain may also suffer sleep issues and anxiety as well as PTSD due to an altercation with a customer on top of the uncertainty surrounding their work. Alternatively, a USPS worker diagnosed with fibromyalgia may suffer tendonitis and shoulder injury due to a comorbid connective tissue disease, complicating their prognosis.
Will a Comorbid Condition Result in a Denial for FERS Disability Compensation?
Comorbid conditions may make it more difficult to have your FERS disability compensation application approved, but it won’t necessarily mean an outright denial. In these cases, it is important that you are comprehensively medically evaluated and you will need to demonstrate how these conditions negatively impact your ability to perform job duties.
It is vital that you document everything as this is the kind of evidence that OPM will prioritize. To this end, ensure that you are provided with diagnosis letters from your treating physicians, have documentation detailing your treatment history, as well as undergo functional assessments or evaluations which outline your inability or ability to perform certain tasks related to your job,
Best Countrywide FERS Disability Compensation Attorneys – Call Us Today!
After gathering all your medical information and tests as well as evaluations, you can start filling out all the FERS disability application forms which we can help with, and make sure to write a personal statement regarding what your job responsibilities are, as well as how the comorbid condition affects your ability to perform job duties and so on – we will assist you in creating this personal statement which will be impactful in getting OPM to take your claim for compensation seriously. The FERS disability compensation process is complex and nuanced, so do not attempt to go it alone as doing so may cost you precious months where you should have started being compensated. Instead, give us a call TODAY at (314) 481-63338 so we can appropriately assess your claim and advise you on the next steps to take. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.