Are Broken Jaw Injuries Compensable? Experienced Chicago Injury Attorneys

A lot of people associate a broken jaw with someone getting into a fight or something you only see in the movies. Broken jaw injuries, however, are more common than we think due to the over 3 million accidents that occur in the transportation sector in our country as well as the over 150,000 serious injuries that are a result of these accidents. In addition, slip and fall accidents, sports injuries, motorcycle collisions, getting hit with a moving object in an warehouse or construction site can all lead to a broken jaw injury. Broken jaw injury lawsuits usually have an element of negligence that can be apportioned to another party because statistics show that over 90 percent of all injuries have a human element; they don’t just happen out of the blue.
Are you looking for a broken jaw injury attorney in Chicago or anywhere else in Illinois? Please call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about your legal options for compensation. Our attorneys bring to the table over 70 years of experience helping people in Chicago, and other cities and nearby states get the compensation they truly deserve. Broken jaw lawsuits may not always go all the way to court, so you want a best injury lawyer in Chicago with insurance company negotiations experience and that’s where we come in. please call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to receive your FREE GIFT of a free telephone consultation with one of our best accident attorneys in Chicago.
Jaw injuries run the gamut. Here are a few examples:
- The jaw line getting fractured due to blunt force trauma associated with a sporting injury
- Compound fracture where broken jaw bone fragments penetrate one’s skin
- Greenstick jaw injuries where a bone does suffer a crack but doesn’t get broken
- Commuted jaw fracture which results in the crushing or splintering of one’s bone
Some of the most common symptoms of a broken jaw include:
- Swelling and bruising at the contact site
- Drooling due to being unable to completely close one’s mouth
- Bleeding from the mouth
- Being unable to align your top teeth with your bottom teeth
- A popping sound when closing and opening one’s mouth
- Pain that gets worse when one talks or eats
Broken jaw treatment typically involves an X-Ray exam to determine and diagnose the jaw injury and its extent. You may be prescribed muscle relaxants and be wheeled into surgery if it is determined that you suffered multiple breaks in your jaw. Wrapping bandages around your chin and head in order to minimize jaw use and movement will fasten your healing, and in very severe cases such as crushed jaw bones, your jaw may need to be wired shut for up to 6 weeks.
Attorneys in Chicago for Broken Jaw Injuries – Call Now for Fast Legal Help!
A broken jaw after a vehicle accident, slip and fall, industrial accident, construction site accident or falling down a flight of stairs can dramatically change your life. You may not be able to go to work, feed yourself, talk, and even move your head for extended periods of time. By contacting a best injury lawyer in Illinois, you’ll be able to receive an overview your legal options for compensation as well as maximize your economic and non-economic damages to help get your life back on track in the shortest amount of time possible. Ready to learn more? Please call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to speak with an injury attorney in Illinois for free regarding the true value of your claim. We look forward to hearing from you.