Attention Injured and Sick Offshore Workers – Secrets to Compensation and Steps to Take

Offshore work is presented as a lucrative way of making money in an environment that is unique and challenging, which provides many months of rest given the seasonal nature of the work. From oil rigs to fishing and renewable energy, offshore workers often find themselves in dangerous and hazardous environments which require caution and the implementation of daily safety protocols. Injuries on offshore rigs happen due to a number of reasons such as occupational exposure, equipment failures and accidents due to negligence, creating an environment where every step counts. In addition, the saying the sea is a harsh mistress rings true because it is inherently mercurial and can change at any minute, making transfers from one platform to the next a dangerous affair. The nature of these jobs is that these individuals often work extended periods of time and can clock 15 hour days, and this, coupled with the depression of being away from home can make them prone to accidents and injury due to decreased attention span and the resultant fatigue associated with offshore work. Offshore injuries can be severe or catastrophic, and transfers to medical facilities are often required to manage these injuries. The legal considerations around offshore injuries tend to be complicated as uncharted, international waters may have vague laws or no laws at laws when it comes to protecting the rights of injured offshore workers. Because of this, it is vital to work with an experienced offshore injuries attorney so you can benefit from expertise and skill that you personally may not possess were you to decide to represent yourself, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a best offshore worker injury attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced offshore worker injuries lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of combined legal experience where we’ve helped thousands of Americans from all walks of life seek and receive compensation after they were injured by the negligent actions of others. What sets us apart from other law firms handling similar cases is the fact that we are not afraid to litigate should we believe that your case and resultant injuries merit it. The advantage of litigation is that clients will often receive a much larger payout should they prevail compared to engaging insurance companies in settlement negotiations as they often have the upper hand, but is a choice that over 90 percent of law firms for injured offshore workers take due to the convenience and speed with which these claims are resolved, often to the detriment of the client as the payouts are paltry and insufficient when it comes to taking care of your injuries and a host of consequent damages in a comprehensive manner. We have nationwide reach thanks to our network of referral firms and attorneys, so you can call us from anywhere you are in the country, and we run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol). These cases are taken up on contingency fee basis, and what this simply means is that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES when we start representing you, as we only levy our fees at the very end of the suit and only if we’ve won your case on your behalf. To speak with one of our friendly and compassionate injured offshore worker attorneys, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE legal consultation: our intake team is standing by.
Injury Hazards Associated with Offshore Work
Here are some of the hazards often faced by offshore workers which necessitate the need for occupational safety as well as preparedness:
Slips, Trips and Falls
Offshore rigs are often slippery and wet, making workers more likely to slip and fall. This could be due to a number of things such as wet decks on account of spilled materials and rain, making walking across platforms a risk in and of itself. In addition, they may have uneven surfaces due to years of under-maintenance, making it more likely a worker will trip and fall. In some environments on rigs, there may be insufficient, poorly maintained or contain structural weaknesses making falls over the edges of platforms more likely to occur.
Equipment Malfunction
Offshore rig equipment bears the brunt of inclement weather as well as salty water all of which can negatively impact the moving parts of machines found on these platforms. Because of this, machines are more likely to malfunction, leading to worker electrocution, dropped loads, head injuries, getting pinned between equipment and other serious injuries necessitating urgent medical attention.
Chemical Exposure
This is a common concern for offshore workers as these environments feature the use of toxic chemicals such as cleaning agents, drilling materials and liquids and solvents, all of which have been shown to lead to the development of respiratory diseases, various cancers and neurological conditions. In particular, benzene which is a chemical used in the extraction of oil, has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing leukemia the longer one is exposed to the same. In addition, offshore operations produce lots of toxic fumes and harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide, which can negatively impact the respiratory system as well as the brain leading to neurological damage.
Injured Offshore Workers – Call Us Today for Timely Legal Help!
Offshore workers have access to special laws which protect them should they get injured, entitling them to compensation. The first one is called “maintenance and cure” which compensates them for living expenses while recuperating, from an injury. Cure, on the other hand, compensates them for medical expenses associated with the injury until you achieve maximum medical improvement. The Jones Act is another piece of legislation which allows you as a maritime worker to file negligence claims against your employer where after proving employer negligence, you may qualify for things like lost wages and diminished future earning potential. Lastly, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act or LHWCA provides benefits to offshore workers not covered by the Jones Act, providing access to medical benefits and disability benefits which includes lost wages on account of temporary or permanent disability. Should any of these laws not apply to your condition due to the offshore work platform being in international waters, maritime law, international treaties, and state and federal laws may apply. We understand that this may all be too overwhelming and confusing, and this is perhaps the main reason why we would like to invite you to give us a call so we can look into your case’s particulars and advise accordingly. Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation as an injured offshore worker. The call is 100% FREE, and there is no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.