Attention Last Mile Postal Workers – Developed Health Complications due to Prolonged Standing -Start Here for Compensation Information

The work of a last mile worker within the USPS is one fraught with prolonged periods of standing either sorting mail, waiting for their colleagues, crossing roads, and, in general, just waiting for something or someone. To this end, postal workers tend to be on their feet for an extended period unless they are operating the postal van or work with another colleague who does the footwork. Standing has been shown to have deleterious effects on the human body over time, and coupled with working in the field, it is no wonder that USPS last mile workers often find their health in trouble when they have to go to a podiatrist or a vascular specialist due to the resultant health complications associated with prolonged standing. OWCP, or the Office of Workers’ Compensation, oversees the welfare of injured federal workers thanks to laws codified under FECA, or the Federal Employees’ Compensation ACT. FECA outlines what types of injuries are compensable, the degree of injury and the compensation amounts associated with different body parts, which forms to fill, how the compensation will be facilitated, and what lies in store for injured postal workers in the future should they make a decent recovery. As a postal worker dealing with injuries sustained from prolonged standing, you must speak with an attorney to safeguard your rights, and we’re here to help you during this difficult journey.
Are you looking for the best USPS injured worker lawyer? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. For the last 25 years, the experienced federal workers’ compensation attorneys at McCready Law have helped thousands of injured federal workers qualify for, receive and even have their denied applications for compensation appealed and reversed. The McCready Law best injured last mile worker promise lies in our commitment to making sure that affordable legal assistance is available to every USPS worker who calls us at 312-444-0214 for assistance. We are proud to announce the availability of monthly payment plans for injured postal workers who may be looking to be represented by our esteemed postal worker injury law firm, and our fees must be approved by OWCP to ensure that you as the injured party and we are in agreement before we go forward with representing you. In addition, we charge an hourly rate for federal workers’ compensation claims, and this is open to discussion as every case is unique. We advise potential clients not to represent themselves as injured postal worker claims tend to be nuanced and layered, as well as replete with deadlines when it comes to filing forms, medical assessments as well as stringent medical proof requirements that only the trained eyes of an experienced injured last mile postal worker attorney can spot. If you suffered injuries or health complications as a USPS worker, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our compassionate and friendly OWCP attorneys to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by.
While regular movement is beneficial for one’s health, standing for extended periods of time, particularly when lugging heavy boxes and packages can actually be injurious to human health,
Some of the health conditions associated with prolonged standing include the following:
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that appear in one’s legs due to poor blood circulation. Due to standing for long periods of time, USPS last mile workers run the risk of developing varicose veins, a condition which is characterized by aching in the lower legs, a feeling of heaviness, and general fatigue. The pathophysiology of varicose veins includes the weakening of veins that become victims of gravity on account of prolonged standing, which in turn makes blood pool instead of flowing back to the heart. The accumulation of blood in these veins makes them appear larger, swollen and twisted. Left untreated, varicose veins may develop into blood clots and ulcers as pooled blood is more likely to congeal and should this blood clot travel to the lungs, it may cause deep vein thrombosis. Chronic varicose veins can prevent the efficient carrying out of job duties as it often leads to reduced mobility, increased break frequency, and the development of mental health effects such as anxiety and depression as one battles with the condition in an attempt to mitigate it.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition often seen in individuals who have to spend many hours on their feet such as last mile delivery workers. Walking and standing on hard surfaces does take its toll over time, and postal workers who develop it may start to experience pain particularly at the bottom of the heel or along the arch of the foot. In addition, they may experience foot stiffness, particularly in the morning or after sitting for a long time, and this stiffness may impact their ability to comfortably walk. Plantar fasciitis patients may also notice swelling and discomfort in or around the heel area, which may limit their range of motion. Given the fact that plantar fasciitis is multifactorial, last mile workers who may be obese, lack improper footwear, and older USPS workers may find that they develop this condition more than others. Plantar fasciitis can limit mobility due to the stiffness, swelling and pain one has to live with, and last mile workers with the condition may find that they need to take multiple breaks during the day, which may impinge on their productivity. Because of the pain associated with plantar fasciitis, postal workers may overcompensate by altering their gait to alleviate the pain, which may have the unintended effect of further injury and the development of musculoskeletal issues which may complicate recovery and necessitate specialized treatment.
Lower Back Pain
Last mile workers have to contend with walking, standing and carrying packages to the porches and doorsteps of clients all across town. In some instances, clients may ask that the worker ring their doorbell and wait for them to open the door and hand them the item. If this is repeated multiple times a day, the standing around and waiting may place significant strain on one’s back, which may lead to lower back pain that can become chronic if not treated in a timely manner. Lower back pain has the potential to progress and lead to conditions such as herniated discs where discs which cushion the vertebrae become damaged and bulge out, eliciting significant pain due to nerve damage. In addition, postal workers with lower back pain are more prone to developing muscle spasms that can cause complete immobility, requiring time off work. Lastly, lower back pain may lead to sciatica, a condition where the sciatic nerve which runs down the leg and passes through the hip joint, manifesting in numbness, shooting pain and tingling.
Best, Countrywide Injured Last Mile Postal Worker Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Robust medical evidence is the foundation of an ironclad federal workers’ compensation claim for injured postal workers. To this end, it is important that you see a doctor the moment you start to experience any kind of pain resulting from your work activities so you can receive a proper diagnosis. In addition, make sure to keep a log of symptoms, treatment progress and how your condition impacts your ability to carry out your tasks as a last mile postal worker. You must also fill in key forms in a timely manner and make sure to acquiesce to requests for information from OWCP in order to qualify for medical and wage-loss benefits, to name but a few. However, getting in touch with us at 312-444-0214 is the best course of action you can take as we can help expedite the process and reveal even more benefits you may not have been aware of at the time of your injury or health condition. Call us regardless of where you are in the country, and you’ll receive your 100% FREE, legal consultation into all things federal workers’ compensation. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.