
Attention Postal Workers – Can You Qualify for FERS Disability Benefits for Chronic Sinusitis?

Sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the sinus linings which are found in the nose, causing their blockage and swelling. Sinusitis is a chronic condition, which means that it may last for months or even years. Postal workers are at the mercy of the environment around them, and as a result, may be at an increased risk of developing this persistent condition, or have their condition worsened by environmental factors.

Sinusitis doesn’t just affect the nose: it can affect the entire head as well as the throat, causing secondary conditions such as headaches and migraines, poor eyesight, otitis media or ear infections, the worsening of asthma and development of bronchitis, a chronic cough, a painful jaw and face condition called temperomandibular joint dysfunction, meningitis, and systemic infections. 

The work of a USPS postal worker is not easy, and working with a condition such as chronic sinusitis may become too much for most to bear. Thankfully, the Office of Personnel Management in tandem with the FECA Act makes it possible for those suffering from disabling and chronic sinusitis to apply and qualify for the federal workers retirement system program or FERS, which entitles you to early retirement and special benefits due to the development or exacerbation or worsening of a chronic condition which shows no signs of letting up.

However, just because this program exists doesn’t mean that every postal worker qualifies: there are hurdles to jump through, and the process is notoriously bureaucratic, with many unsophisticated injured or sick postal workers receiving arbitrary denials. Due to the complexity associated with qualifying for FERS benefits as a postal worker, it is vital that you work with an experienced FERS disability benefits attorney, and we’re here to help with that. 

Get the Benefits You Deserve With Legal Help

Are you looking for a FERS disability lawyer for USPS workers that have developed chronic sinusitis? For over two decades, the experienced and compassionate federal workers’ compensation lawyers at McCready Law have handled thousands of claims where we’ve helped injured postal workers just like you receive, keep and increase their injured postal worker benefits after getting injured or developing a work-related illness on the job.

It is important to note that these benefits are only available to a select few that meet OPM requirements, and your medical report will perhaps be the main determinant when OPM decides whether or not you qualify for early retirement on account of your injury or illness. We serve all USPS workers countrywide that contracted an occupational illness. If you’d like to speak with one of our best postal worker compensation lawyers, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE legal consultation into your FERS disability claim.

How Postal Workers Develop Sinusitis

Here are some of the risks that may increase the likelihood of postal workers developing sinusitis:

Environmental Exposure 

Postal workers have to work in sorting centers or out in the field, where they come into constant contact with allergens or dust. This constant exposure, over time, can have a cumulative effect which then leads to chronic irritation of one’s nasal passages, which in turn compromises the immune system, making your sinuses more prone to ongoing infections. In addition, the allergens one may come into contact with may be varied, from paper, to cardboard, and even contaminated items which all create a perfect storm of chronic sinus issues.

Chemical Irritants

Most customers only have a singular image of postal workers, where they see them delivering mail to their doorstep or porch with a skip and a jump. However, postal workers often have to interact with chemical agents during the sorting process, come into contact with volatile organic compounds from cleaning products, and packages which may leak chemicals of an unknown nature during their transportation or handling. Sustained exposure to these chemicals may lead to the development of allergic reactions or sensitivities over time, increasing the risk of developing sinusitis. Typical symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, eye itching, and other upper respiratory conditions that can all work together to lead to sinus inflammation. 

Temperature Fluctuations

Postal workers often have to work both outdoors and indoors – for example, they may start their days at sorting centers making sure they have all the mail and packages they need for their routes before setting out on the road to deliver them once the clock hits 10am. The temperature differences between the sorting centers or offices and the outdoors can lead to sinus irritation and inflammation on account of sudden vasoconstriction and vasodilation as well as the development of an inflammatory response to help the body cope with sudden temperature fluctuations which may make the body produce an excessive amount of mucus which is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses which then sets the stage for the development of sinusitis. 

Treating Chronic Sinusitis – A Comprehensive Review

Sinusitis is typically treatment via hydration in order to thin mucous, steam inhalation which moistens nasal passages, as well as applying warm compresses over the sinus area in order to lessen pain and inflammation. Over the counter medicine such as decongestants and antihistamines can help reduce nasal swelling and blocking the effect of histamine respectively, and prescription medications such as antibiotics, corticosteroids and saline nasal sprays can all help fight infection, reduce inflammation and keeping nasal passages moist. However, if sinusitis is chronic and resistant to conventional medication, surgery may be needed in order to remove blockages via endoscopic sinus surgery, which can offer long-term relief. 

Sinusitis in Postal and Federal Workers – When is it Considered Chronic?

Sinusitis in postal workers may be considered a permanent disability when it lasts more than 12 weeks despite treatment, as well as when one experiences flare-ups that are so severe that they cannot work numerous times each year. This condition can significantly lower an individual’s quality of life, by making it difficult for them to experience restful sleep, lead to emotional distress and fatigue, and it may limit an individual’s ability to be productive at work in a demanding environment such as the United State Postal Serve. 

Do I Qualify for FERS Disability Benefits for Sinusitis?

In order to qualify for injured postal worker benefits under the FERS program, you must present proof that you’ve been employed within the service for 18 or more months, demonstrate via a medical report your diagnosis that will last at least a year, you are under the age of 62 and demonstrate how the condition stops you from carrying out specific work duties.

Experienced, Countrywide FERS Disability Benefits Attorneys – Call Us Today!

By working with our best FERS disability compensation attorneys, you’ll be able to benefit from our vast experience handling these claims, receive assistance getting referrals to specialist doctors such as ENT specialists, ensure that your medical reports show clear evidence and causation, ensure all your paperwork is properly filled and sent out in a timely manner, as well as represent you at hearings. Don’t go it alone, and don’t take chances – FERS disability benefits can help you ease into early retirement, and we’re here to make sure that you’re able to support yourself for as long as is legally mandated. Call us NOW at 312-444-0214 for your 100% FREE consultation into all this FERS disability benefits. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.